9999999-dev wrapper for TMDB (TheMovieDatabase) API v3. Supports two types of approaches, one modelled with repositories, models and factories. And the other by simple array access to RAW data from The Movie Database.
The Requires
- php >=7.0.0
- ext-curl *
- symfony/event-dispatcher >=2.4,<4
- symfony/options-resolver >=2.6,<4
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ~6.0
- psr/log ~1.0
- doctrine/cache ^1.6
- kevinrob/guzzle-cache-middleware ^1.2
- rtheunissen/guzzle-log-middleware ^0.4.0
The Development Requires
by Fatih Akgun
api php wrapper tv movie tvdb tmdb tv show
v1.0.0 wrapper for TMDB (TheMovieDatabase) API v3. Supports two types of approaches, one modelled with repositories, models and factories. And the other by simple array access to RAW data from The Movie Database.
The Requires
- php >=7.0.0
- ext-curl *
- symfony/event-dispatcher >=2.4,<4
- symfony/options-resolver >=2.6,<4
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ~6.0
- psr/log ~1.0
- doctrine/cache ^1.6
- kevinrob/guzzle-cache-middleware ^1.2
- rtheunissen/guzzle-log-middleware ^0.4.0
The Development Requires
by Fatih Akgun
api php wrapper tv movie tvdb tmdb tv show