9999999-devUtilities to aid in testing simpleSAMLphp modules
The Requires
The Development Requires
Utilities to aid in testing simpleSAMLphp modules
Utilities to aid in testing SimpleSAMLphp modules, (*2)
Install as a dev dependency using composer, (*3)
composer require --dev cirrusidentity/simplesamlphp-test-utils:dev-master
Update the dependency, (*4)
composer update -dev cirrusidentity/simplesamlphp-test-utils
This project makes heavy use of AspectMock
to make SSP's internal easier to test.
Adjust your phpunit bootstrap.php per to setup AspectMock
and also ensure you set backupGlobals="false"
in phpunit.xml. See this projects boostrap.php
some workarounds for getting AspectMock to play nicely with SSP's custom class loader, (*5)
You can sanity check your project by calling SanityChecker::confirmAspectMockConfigured()
in a test. See AspectMockConfiguredTest
for an example., (*6)
You should reset AspectMock
after each test., (*7)
use AspectMock\Test as test; ... protected function tearDown() { test::clean(); // remove all registered test doubles }
Several SSP components also cache things across all tests. Some of these classes are
marked with the \SimpleSAML\Utils\ClearableState
interface and you can clear this state
at the appropriate time for your tests., (*8)
Your module may need to redirect the user somewhere. If you try to create a unit test
for a redirect you'll normally have trouble since SSP's redirect method eventually calls exit
You can use MockHttp
(which internally uses AspectMock
) to change the behavior of the redirect method
to throw an exception instead. You can then catch the exception and asserted the correct URL
was being redirect to, (*9)
// Enable throwing an exception when redirects would normally be called. MockHttp::throwOnRedirectTrustedURL(); $params = [ 'state' => '1234' ]; try { HTTP::redirectTrustedURL('', $params); $this->fail('Exception expected'); } catch (RedirectException $e) { $this->assertEquals('redirectTrustedURL', $e->getMessage()); $this->assertEquals('', $e->getUrl()); $this->assertEquals($params, $e->getParams()); }
See MockAuthSourceTest.
needs to explicitly load the Source.php file, (*10)
$kernel->loadFile($projectRoot . '/vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/lib/SimpleSAML/Auth/Source.php');
Utilities to aid in testing simpleSAMLphp modules