2017 © Pedro Peláez

library codeception-drupal-content-types

A Codeception module to provide Drupal content types support.



A Codeception module to provide Drupal content types support.

  • Tuesday, November 24, 2015
  • by pfaocle
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  • 3 Versions
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Drupal Content Type Registry

A Codeception module to provide a set of classes that encapsulate Drupal content types. This makes it much easier to quickly test standard Drupal functionality relating to content types, taking into account how they exist on your site., (*1)

It will test many things such as the content types admin page, the 'manage fields' page for each content type, and provides a useful createNode() method that can be used to quickly create test nodes, where you can provide the test data using specific values, random values, or a range of values where one is picked at random., (*2)


Install using composer, as follows:, (*3)

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://github.com/chriscohen/codeception-drupal-content-types.git"
    "require": {
        "codeception/codeception": "2.*",
        "chriscohen/codeception-drupal-content-types": "dev-master",

Add the module to the suite configuration:, (*4)

        - DrupalContentTypeRegistry


None., (*5)


Put a contentTypes.yml at your test root (unless you want a specific contentTypes.yml for each suite, in which case, see below)., (*6)

Here's an example file:, (*7)

        machineName:    body
        label:          Body
        type:           Long text and summary
        selector:       "#edit-body-und-0-value"
        widget:         Text area with a summary
        required:       true
        entityType:   node
        humanName:    News
        machineName:  news
                - body
                machineName:    field_image
                label:          Image
                type:           Image
                selector:       "#edit-field-image"
                widget:         Media file selector
                required:       true
                testData:       "image1.png"
                machineName:    field_icon
                label:          Icon
                type:           Text
                selector:       "#edit-field-icon"
                widget:         Text field
                    - editor
                    - publisher
                    - smiley
                    - grumpy
                    - happy
                    - wacky
                    - ["click", ["#button"]]
                    - ["fillField", ["#the-field", "the-value"]]
                    - ["waitForJs", ["return jQuery.active == 0;"]]
        submit: "#edit-submit-me-please"


In the first section, you can define fields that will be used across all of the content types on the site. This is useful for things like title and body fields, to save you having to redefine the exact same field on every content type., (*8)

GlobalFields are keyed by machine name (this should be the same name as the machine name of the Drupal field) and the values are the same as they would be if they were declared for the fields of a content type (see below)., (*9)


As with GlobalFields above, you can define extras that will be used across all of the content types on the site. This is useful if you always want to fill out the published status of a node no matter what type it is, for example. See the "extras" section below for more., (*10)


Each content type should be keyed according to its machine name (although this is just a hint as machineName takes care of the actual naming, so you could give the content type any key you like)., (*11)

  • entityType is the machine name of the Drupal entity type. Mostly node but other types can be used. "node" is assumed unless something else is specified.
  • humanName is the way that the content type is named in the UI (and is case-sensitive).
  • machineName is the way that the content type is named to Drupal, and should match whatever is set in Drupal.
  • fields is a list of all of the fields on the content type, with their properties.
    • globalFields is a simple list of the "reused" fields on this type. If your content type has a field that simply reuses exactly a field from another content type, set it up in GlobalFields (above) and just reference it here. An exception would be if it had a slight difference, such as when you set the same field, but you change its label from "Foo" to something else. In this case, it wouldn't be able to be a global field.
    • properties: fields can have the following properties...
    • machineName is the machine name of the field as seen by Drupal. In general these will start with field_ but there might be exceptions such as for body fields.
    • label is the human name (label) for this field, and should match exactly what is set in the UI, including case sensitivity.
    • type is the field type as set in the Drupal UI, on the "manage fields" page. Case-sensitive.
    • selector is the CSS or XPath selector used to pick out this field's element where it appears on a node create or edit page. Note that this is usually optional and if omitted, will be derived from the field name, which is usually enough.
    • widget is the name of the widget for this field as set in the Drupal UI, on the "manage fields" page. Case- sensitive. Some fields don't have widgets so just leave it out. Some fields have widgets on the node edit page, but have nothing listed on the "manage fields" page. If this is the case, set the widget here, but use widgetNameVisible below to indicate it's not visible on "manage fields". In these cases you will have to determine the widget for yourself. For example, the node title wigdet is a "Text field" widget even though it doesn't say that on the "manage fields" page.
    • widgetNameVisible allows you to specify that on the "manage fields" page, this row has nothing in the "widget" column. This applies to things like title fields etc.
    • required can be set to "true" if the field is required. If it's not, just leave this out altogether.
    • pre can be used to specify an XPath selector for an element that should be clicked before the field is filled. If this is set, this element will be clicked and then the field will be filled. If not set, nothing will be clicked before the field is filled. This can be useful for elements that are hidden behind vertical tabs and would not be visible to the user unless the vertical tab is selected first.
    • skippedRoles is an array of role names that will not be able to see this field and should not attempt to fill it in.
    • testData should contain the dummy data used to test this field. Each field can be instructed to fill itself with test data and this is the data that will be used. Note that unless the field is mandatory and Drupal provides no default value for the field, testData can be left out of the yaml. If an array of values if provided, one can be chosen at random by the Field class. Special values can also be used here. See 'special values' below.
    • preSteps optional steps to run before filling the field. This is an extension to the pre option, but any method can be run, not just click. The format is a two element array. The first element is the method name and the second element is an array of arguments to pass to the method. e.g. ["checkOption", ["#checkbox-name"]] will call $I->checkOption("#checkbox-name") prior to filling the field.
    • postSteps optional steps to run after filling a field. For example, ["waitForJs", ["return jQuery.active == 0;"]] will wait for ajax calls to complete after field is filled before continuing.
  • extras is a list of all extras (elements to interact with on the node edit form) that aren't fields in their own right. See below for more.
    • globalExtras is a list of the "reused" extras on this type. This works the same as globalFields but with things that are on the node form that are not actually fields.
  • submit is the CSS or XPath used to find the submit button on the node add or edit form for this content type. The Drupal default is "#edit-submit" and this can be omitted if you're using the default on your site.

Special values

You can use a special value that will be substituted each time the field is created for testing. This is useful, for example, if you want to insert a random value. All special values begin with the identifier special:: and then are followed by the type of special value. The types are listed below:, (*12)

  • randomText uses eight random alphanumeric characters.

Example:, (*13)

testData: "special::randomText"

Standard default required fields

Each entity type has a set of standard fields that always appear on that entity type. For example, there is always a "title" field on the node entity and you have to have it., (*14)

Entity types are already aware of what their default fields are, because they are expressed in the EntityType::getRequiredFields() method which is provided by each EntityType object., (*15)

This means that as long as it's a required field, you don't need to mention it in contentTypes.yml because they are already defined. You can mention them in contentTypes.yml if you want to, and those that you mention in there will override the defaults., (*16)

Implementing your own standard default required fields

If you have a situation where you have a custom Drupal entity and it has its own required fields, you should define your own EntityType subclass and implement the EntityType::getRequiredFields() method to define the required fields there. Anything using your custom entity type in contentTypes.yml will automatically pick up these and look for them., (*17)

Specific widget types


Set the selector for this widget as the first part of the selector for each individual address field inside the widget. For example, if the machine name is field_address then you would set the selector as follows:, (*18)

selector:   "#edit-field-address-und-0"

You will need to define the individual elements that go into the address widget since these can be defined differently on a per-widget basis., (*19)

You can do this with the elements key. The array key is the label for each of the fields and the value is the end of the selector used, which is joined to the selector described above., (*20)

    Company:        "-organisation"
    Address 1:      "-thoroughfare"
    Address 2:      "-locality"
    "Town/City":    "-locality"

If you need to set up testData for this field, you will need to put a wrapper around each group of test elements as follows:, (*21)

        Company:        Test location
        Address 1:      Test location thoroughfare
        Address 2:      Test location locality
        "Town/City":    Test location city
        County:         Test location county
        Postcode:       Test location postal code
    # Then, if necessary:
        Company:        Test location 2
        Address 1:      Test location thoroughfare 2
        Address 2:      Test location locality 2
        "Town/City":    Test location city 2
        County:         Test location county 2
        Postcode:       Test location postal code 2


Remember that you only need to set up testData if the value of each or any checkbox needs to be altered., (*22)

If you need to set up testData for a CheckboxesWidget, make sure you put each group of boxes in its own wrapper, as follows:, (*23)

        Grapefruit: true
        Melon:      false
        Avocado:    true
        "Big Hairy Kiwi Fruit/Kiwi Fruits": true


Use this for WYSIWYG fields. The selector should be the ID of the text area element for this field, but without the "-value" part at the end. For example, for a body field, you might use:, (*24)

selector: "#edit-body-und-0"

Currently the widget will switch to plain text format to enter data., (*25)

Suite-specific contentTypes.yml

You can put a separate contentTypes.yml in each suite folder if you prefer, and these files can override the main contentTypes.yml (or just don't create a main one in the test root folder)., (*26)

If you do this, you will need to add the following into your suite's _bootstrap.php:, (*27)

\Codeception\Module\Drupal\ContentTypeRegistry\SuiteSettings::$suiteName = 'mysuite';

The suite name should match the name of the directory in which the suite lives. This is because Codeception has no other way of knowing what directory to look in when it's trying to find the contentTypes.yml file. It knows the location of the root tests directory and has a list of the suites it's supposed to run, but can't determine the directory in which the current suite is running. If some way of doing this within Codeception is developed in the future, this extra step can be dropped., (*28)

Entity types

Mostly you will want to add fields and types for known entities such as users, taxonomy terms and nodes. But sometimes you will need to add further entity types, such as for custom entities you have defined. You will need to create a class that extends Codeception\Module\Drupal\ContentTypeRegistry\EntityTypes\EntityType and implements Codeception\Module\Drupal\ContentTypeRegistry\EntityTypes\EntityTypeInterface and then you can define the type name and also the page on which the "manage fields" is done for this entity type., (*29)

Adding new entity types

If your site has a custom entity type that is not managed within this module's collection of entity types, you can create a custom class for it and specify it using the yaml config:, (*30)

    banana: "Codeception\\MyTestSuite\\EntityTypes\\Banana"

Note that you will need to fully namespace your custom class and use the double backslash notation as shown in the example., (*31)

Your custom class should extend EntityType and implement EntityTypeInterface. Mostly you can just copy an existing entity type subclass and adopt it to suit your needs:, (*32)

 * @file
 * Represents the banana entity type.

namespace Codeception\MyTestSuite\EntityTypes;

use Codeception\Module\Drupal\ContentTypeRegistry\EntityTypes\EntityType;
use Codeception\Module\Drupal\ContentTypeRegistry\EntityTypes\EntityTypeInterface;

class Banana extends EntityType implements EntityTypeInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getManageFieldsUrl($bundle = '')
        return 'admin/structure/fruit-types/manage/' . $this->getEntityType() . '/fields';

Don't forget that you will need to make sure this class is loaded within the _bootstrap.php of your product using Codeception's autoloading system or by loading it manually with require_once or something., (*33)


Sometimes, you will want to simulate the user clicking things on the node edit form that are not actually fields. This is where extras come in. You can do things like set the sticky status or the publication status of a node in this way. Here is an example:, (*34)

        entityType:   node
        humanName:    News
        machineName:  news
                - body
                machineName:    field_image
                label:          Image
                type:           Image
                selector:       "#edit-field-image"
                widget:         Media file selector
                required:       true
                testData:       "image1.png"
                machineName:    published
                label:          Published
                type:           List (text)
                selector:       "#edit-published"
                widget:         Select list
                testData:       Published
        submit: "#edit-submit-me-please"

As you can see, these slot alongside fields. You will normally have to set a selector manually for these because the naming conventions that apply to fields do not apply here. You can still use the widget property to tell this module what type of form widget is being used., (*35)

Node creation/deletion

During createNode/deleteNode the success status is checked by looking for the standard Drupal messages in an element e.g. .messages, (*36)

Some themes have different selectors or may not display those messages at all. If that is the case, you can implement seeCreateNodeWasSuccessful() and/or seeDeleteNodeWasSuccessful() in your suite helper., (*37)

e.g., (*38)

class AcceptanceHelper extends \Codeception\Module { /** * Check a node creation was successful. * * This overrides the default since the css selectors are different in * this site's theme. * * @see DrupalContentTypeRegistry::seeCreateNodeWasSuccessful() * * @param WebInterface $I * A reference to the Actor being used. * @param string $msg * The success message that should be displayed by Drupal. * @param int $nid * The created nid. */ public function seeCreateNodeWasSuccessful($I, $msg, $nid) { $I->see($msg, ".messages"); $I->dontSee(" ", ".messages.error"); } /** * Check a node deletion was successful. * * This overrides the default since this site redirects to the * homepage on node deletion and does not show a message. We * therefore do a check by editing the node and make sure it's * not found. * * @see DrupalContentTypeRegistry::seeDeleteNodeWasSuccessful() * * @param AuthenticatedSteps $I * A reference to the Actor being used. * @param int $nid * The deleted nid. */ public function seeDeleteNodeWasSuccessful($I, $nid) { $I->amOnPage(NodePage::route($nid, true)); $I->see("we can't find this page", "h1"); } }

The Versions

24/11 2015



A Codeception module to provide Drupal content types support.

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by Chris Cohen

01/09 2015



A Codeception module to provide Drupal content types support.

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by Chris Cohen

10/03 2015



A Codeception module to provide Drupal content types support.

  Sources   Download

by Chris Cohen