Quality Assurance
, (*1)
See the test contract., (*2)
The above badges represent the current master branch. As a rule, I don't push
to GitHub unless tests, coverage and usability are acceptable. This may not be
true for short periods of time; on holiday, need code for some other downstream
project etc. If you need stable code, use a tagged version. Read 'Further Documentation'
and 'Installation'., (*3)
Current development branch is feature/gmp_support. Want to help? - that's where it is., (*4)
Please note that developer support for PHP5.4 & 5.5 was withdrawn at version 3.0.0 of this library.
If you need support for PHP 5.4 or 5.5, please use a version >=2,<3
, (*5)
Provides arithmetic calculation support for chippyash/strong-type numeric types, (PHP
native types only at this point.), (*6)
Types supported
- FloatType
- ComplexType
- IntType
- NaturalIntType
- WholeIntType
- RationalType
- Conversion of PHP int and float to IntType and FloatType respectively
Arithmetic support provided
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division
- reciprocal
- equality comparison
The library is released under the GNU GPL V3 or later license, (*7)
Complements the strong-type library and a precursor to the forthcoming chippyash/math-matrix
library which builds on the chippyash/matrix library., (*8)
The current library covers arithmetic operations using PHP native math support.
Future versions will add support for the popular math extensions (gmp, bcmath etc)., (*9)
If you want more, either suggest it, or better still, fork it and provide a pull request., (*10)
Check out chippyash/Strong-Type for strong type including numeric,
rational and complex type support, that this library operates on, (*11)
Check out chippyash/Matrix for Matrix data type support., (*12)
Check out chippyash/Logical-Matrix for logical matrix operations, (*13)
Check out chippyash/Math-Matrix for mathematical matrix operations, (*14)
Check out ZF4 Packages for more packages, (*15)
Coding Basics
Using the supplied calculator or comparator will set the underlying Strong Type
numeric base to PHP Native. This library does not yet support GMP number types., (*16)
Using the calculator is simplicity itself:, (*17)
use Chippyash\Math\Type\Calculator;
$calc = new Calculator()
Then you simply fire calculation requests at it:, (*18)
use Chippyash\Type\TypeFactory;
$r = TypeFactory::create('rational', 2, 3);
$i = TypeFactory::create('int', 23);
$w = TypeFactory::create('whole', 3);
$n = TypeFactory::create('natural', 56);
$f = TypeFactory::create('float', 19.6);
$c1 = TypeFactory::create('complex', '2+3i');
$c2 = TypeFactory::create('complex', '-6+4i');
echo $calc->add($r, $w) . PHP_EOL;
echo $calc->add($c1, $c2) . PHP_EOL;
echo $calc->add($i, $f) . PHP_EOL;
echo $calc->sub($c1, $c2) . PHP_EOL;
echo $calc->sub($n, $w) . PHP_EOL;
echo $calc->add($r, $w) . PHP_EOL;
echo $calc->add($r, $w) . PHP_EOL;
echo $calc->add($r, $w) . PHP_EOL;
The Calculator supports the following methods (all operands are NumericTypeInterface, or PHP int or PHP float):, (*19)
- add($a, $b) : NumericTypeInterface
- sub($a, $b) : NumericTypeInterface
- mul($a, $b : NumericTypeInterface
- div($a, $b) : NumericTypeInterface
- reciprocal($a) : NumericTypeInterface
- pow($base, $exp) : NumericTypeInterface
- sqrt($a) : NumericTypeInterface
The Calculator will arbitrate between types and return the lowest possible type based on the operand types.
The order of precedence is, (*20)
- ComplexType
- RationalType
- FloatType
- IntType (including WholeIntType and NaturalIntType)
Be careful with complex types, they can only be converted down if they are real, i.e. the imaginary part == 0, (*21)
The sqrt() method is provided as a convenience, you can use pow(n, 1/e) e.g. pow(4, 1/2) == sqrt(4), (*22)
For a demonstration of all the available operations between types and their
resultant types run the examples/example-calc.php file, (*23)
To compare two numeric types:, (*24)
use Chippyash\Math\Type\Comparator;
use Chippyash\Type\TypeFactory;
$r = TypeFactory::create('rational', 2, 3);
$i = TypeFactory::create('int', 23);
$w = TypeFactory::create('whole', 3);
$n = TypeFactory::create('natural', 56);
$f = TypeFactory::create('float', 19.6);
$c1 = TypeFactory::create('complex', '2+3i');
$c2 = TypeFactory::create('complex', '-6+4i');
$comp = new Comparator();
if ($comp->compare($r, $i) == 0) {...}
if ($comp->compare($c1, $c2) == -1) {...}
if ($comp->compare($w, $n) == 1) {...}
The Comparator::compare($a, $b) method takes two NumericTypeInterface types and returns, (*25)
a == b: 0
a < b : -1
a > b : 1
It has convenience methods (all operands are NumericTypeInterface):, (*26)
- eq($a, $b) : boolean: $a == $b
- neq($a, $b) : boolean: $a != $b
- lt($a, $b) : boolean: $a < $b
- lte($a, $b) : boolean: $a <= $b
- gt($a, $b) : boolean: $a > $b
- gte($a, $b) : boolean: $a >= $b
if ($comp->gt($w, $f) { ... }
Changing the library
- fork it
- write the test
- amend it
- do a pull request
Found a bug you can't figure out?, (*27)
- fork it
- write the test
- do a pull request
NB. Make sure you rebase to HEAD before your pull request, (*28)
The library is hosted at Github. It is
available at, (*29)
Install Composer, (*30)
For production
add, (*31)
"chippyash/math-type-calculator": ">=3,
to your composer.json "requires" section
#### For development
Clone this repo, and then run Composer in local repo root to pull in dependencies
git clone TypeCalc
cd TypeCalc
composer update
To run the tests:, (*32)
cd TypeCalc
vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml test/
This software library is released under the BSD 3 Clause license, (*33)
This software library is Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Ashley Kitson, UK, (*34)
V0... pre releases, (*35)
V1.0.0 Original release, (*36)
V1.0.1 Add ability to mix complex and non complex types as operands, (*37)
V1.0.2 Utilise chippyash/strong-type >= 1.0.10, (*38)
V1.1.0 Add comparator class for equality comparison, (*39)
V1.1.1 Fix bad comparator construction, (*40)
V1.1.2 Fix native int/float comparison by casting to rational, (*41)
V1.1.4 Refactor for dependent library, (*42)
V1.1.5 Update dependent version number, (*43)
V1.1.6 Add pow and square root functionality, (*44)
V1.1.7 Add complex pow using complex exponent, (*45)
V1.1.8 Update dependent version number, (*46)
V1.1.9 Update dependent version number
V1.1.9a Bump to fix failing build, (*47)
V1.1.10 Fix calculator to use Native PHP numeric types until GMP calculator support is available, (*48)
V2.0.0 BC Break: change namespace from chippyash\Math to Chippyash\Math\Type, (*49)
V2.0.1 Add link to packages, (*50)
V2.0.2 Ensure compatibility with PHP7, (*51)
V2.0.3 Dependency update, (*52)
V3.0.0 BC Break. Withdraw support for old PHP versions, (*53)
V3.1.0 Change of license from GPL V3 to BSD 3 Clause, (*54)