9999999-devEasily convert ISO_8601 Duration time format to seconds and convert seconds to ISO-8601 Duration
v0.1.0 convert ISO_8601 Duration time format to seconds and convert seconds to ISO-8601 Duration
Easily convert ISO_8601 Duration time format to seconds and convert seconds to ISO-8601 Duration
Easily converts ISO 8601 Durations to Seconds and Seconds to ISO 8601 Durations, (*1)
composer require bretterer/iso_duration_converter
$converter = new \Bretterer\IsoDurationConverter\DurationParser(); $converter->parse('PT8S'); // Returns 8 $converter->parse('PT5M'); // Returns 300 $converter->parse('PT20H'); // Returns 72000 $converter->parse('PT6M4S'); // Returns 364 $converter->compose(8); // Returns PT8S $converter->compose(300); // Returns PT5M $converter->compose(7200); // Returns PT20H $converter->compose(364); //Returns PT6M4S $converter->parse('P5W'); // Returns 3024000 // To Returns Weeks, The second argument should be true $converter->compose(3024000, true); // Returns P5W $converter->compose(3024000); // Returns P35D $converter->parse('Hello World'); // Throws 'Invalid Argument Exception' with Message 'Invalid Duration' $converter->parse('P10Y10M10D'); // Throws 'Invalid Argument Exception' with Message 'Ambiguous Duration'
If years are passed into the parse
method, an invalid argument exception
will be thrown., (*2)
If you are wanting to convert seconds into months, pass true as the second argument in the compose
method, (*3)
MIT, (*4)
Easily convert ISO_8601 Duration time format to seconds and convert seconds to ISO-8601 Duration
Easily convert ISO_8601 Duration time format to seconds and convert seconds to ISO-8601 Duration