library behat-extension-driver-locator
Driver locator tool for behat extensions
Driver locator tool for behat extensions
- Thursday, December 17, 2015
- by tkotosz
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, (*1)
Behat-ExtensionDriverLocator helps you load external drivers/services (like image uploaders, output formatters, etc) dinamically.
The DriverLocator can find you a service in a preconfigured namespace by a given driverkey.
- It validates that the class implements the DriverInterface or your specific interface.
- It will call the configure method of the driver to get the config tree of the driver specific configurations
- It will validate the loaded config against the provided config tree.
- It will pass the valid config and the DI container to the load method of the driver in order to get a properly loaded service.
The package also provide a Driver Node Builder which can create the drivers node for your behat extension. (see usage below), (*2)
Install by adding to your composer.json
:, (*3)
composer require --dev bex/behat-extension-driver-locator
In your behat extension's configure method use the Driver Node Builder to build the drivers configuration node:, (*4)
$driverNodeBuilder = DriverNodeBuilder::getInstance($driverNamespace, $driverParent);
$driverNodeBuilder->buildDriverNodes($builder, $activeDriversNodeName, $driversCofigurationNodeName, $defaultDriverKeys);
where:, (*5)
- the
is the namespace where the DriverNodeBuilder should look for the drivers when validating a given driver key
e.g.: My\\Awesome\\BehatExtension\\Driver
- the
is the parent class/interface which should be implemented by all driver
e.g.: My\\Awesome\\BehatExtension\\Driver\\MyAwesomeDriverInterface
(note that all driver need to implement the Bex\Behat\ExtensionDriverLocator\DriverInterface
- the
is an Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\ArrayNodeDefinition
instance which you get in your behat extension's configure method as a parameter, the DriverNodeBuilder will add the drivers node to this builder.
- the
is the name of the node where the user will be able to specify which driver should be used for your extension
e.g.: active_my_awesome_drivers
- the
is the name of the drivers node, the additional configuration of all driver will be under this node
e.g.: my_awesome_drivers
- the
is the driverkey of the default driver(s) which will be used when the config is empty in the behat.yml
e.g.: first_awesomeness
- Note: The driverkey is always the lowercased and underlined version of the driver's classname.
e.g. FirstAwesomeness -> first_awesomeness
e.g. First -> first
With the example configurations a valid config would look like this:, (*6)
My\\Awesome\\BehatExtension: ~
or, (*7)
active_my_awesome_drivers: first_awesomeness
# ... all driver specific configuration goes here ...
In your behat extension's load method use the Driver Locator to load the active driver(s):
Note that it will validate the driver specific configs automatically., (*8)
$driverLocator = DriverLocator::getInstance($driverNamespace, $driverParent);
$drivers = $driverLocator->findDrivers($container, $activeDrivers, $driverConfigs);
where:, (*9)
- the
is the namespace where the DriverLocator should look for the drivers
e.g.: My\\Awesome\\BehatExtension\\Driver
- the
is the parent class/interface which should be implemented by all driver
e.g.: My\\Awesome\\BehatExtension\\Driver\\MyAwesomeDriverInterface
- the
is an Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder
instance which you get in your behat extension's load method as a parameter, the DriverLocator will pass this container to the load method of each driver
- the
are the active image drivers from the $config param which you get in the load method
e.g.: $config['active_my_awesome_drivers']
- the
are the driver specific configuration values from the $config param
e.g.: $config['my_awesome_drivers']