Azure Blob Storage
Small platform-independent library that allows you to work with Windows Azure Blob Storage from PHP., (*1)
You can work with Windows Azure Blob from any platform (Windows or Linux) and only need an Azure storage account to get started., (*2)
Features:, (*3)
- Programmatic API to work with files/blobs
- Streamwrapper
- Containers Management (Private or Public)
- ACLs
The code is forked and adapted from the PHP Azure SDK.
It is cleaned up and stripped from all the PHP Azure SDK dependencies to be very leightweight., (*4)
Suggested via composer:, (*5)
"require": {
"beberlei/azure-blob-storage": "*"
Then using the composer binary:, (*6)
prompt> php composer.phar install
use Beberlei\AzureBlobStorage\BlobClient;
$accountUrl = "";
$accountName = "myaccount";
$accountKey = "abcdefg";
$client = new BlobClient($accountUrl, $accountName, $accountKey);
// With Dev-Storage (localhost:10000)
$client = new BlobClient();
Container API
Containers are equivalent to harddrives with a name in Azure Blob Storage. You have to create
a container before being able to store files:, (*7)
$container = "testing";
if ( ! $client->containerExists($container)) {
You can also set/get arbitrary metadata for a container:, (*8)
$container = "testing_metadata";
$metadata = array('x-ms-application-user' => 'beberlei');
$client->createContainer($container, $metadata);
$metadata = $client->getContainerMetadata($container);
$metadata['x-ms-another-header'] = 'value';
$client->setContainerMetadata($container, $metadata);
Blob API
A container holds blobs (files) with names. Azure Blob Storage has no concept of directories within
a container, but you can just use "/" (Yes, not "\") as seperator to simulate them., (*9)
$container = 'testing_blob';
$blobFileName = '/path/to/testing.gif';
$client->putBlob($container, 'testing.gif', $blobFileName);
$client->putBlobData($container, 'testing.gif', file_get_contents($blobFileName));
$client->copyBlob($container, 'testing.gif', $container, 'testing2.gif');
$blob = $client->getBlobInstance($container, 'testing2.gif');
// $blob instanceof Beberlei\AzureBlobStorage\BlobInstance
$localFileName = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/testing2.gif';
$client->getBlob($container, 'testing2.gif', $localFileName);
$data = $client->getBlobData($container, 'testing2.gif');
$blobs = $client->listBlobs($container, 'testing');
// array of Beberlei\AzureBlobStroage\BlobInstance
$client->deleteBlob($containerName, 'testing.gif');
$client->deleteBlob($containerName, 'testing2.gif');
By default Azure Blob Storage creates Block Blobs and not Page Blobs.
You can use the $client->putPageBlob()
API to create page blobs., (*10)
To register the stream wrapper for Windows Azure Blob-Storage you have to define a prefix:, (*11)
use Beberlei\AzureBlobStorage\BlobClient;
$client = new BlobClient();
file_put_contents('azure://test.txt', 'Hello World!');