PHP Wrapper for Accessing the Steam Storefront API
This is a simple wrapper for accessing the very lightweight API that Steam offers for its Big Picture Mode. It provides detailed application information, without being constrained to a particular Steam user's library like their Web API., (*1)
This makes it especially useful for referencing large amount of information in which you have the Steam App ID readily available., (*2)
You can either use the Includes.php file and do a manual clone, or you can do a composer based install and use autoloading namespaces., (*3)
Once you've got it running (autoload used below), simply invoke the client and perform a sample query:, (*4)
<?php use b3rs3rk\steamfront\Main; $client = new b3rs3rk\steamfront\Main( [ 'country_code' => 'us', 'local_lang' => 'english' ] ); $data = $client->getFeaturedApps(); print_r($data); exit;
API framework was footprinted from here., (*5)
Http::get function was a slight rip off of @Moinax's function., (*6)
Enjoy - b3rs3rk, (*7)