2017 © Pedro Peláez

library codecs-base64vlq

Codec for VLQ (variable-length quantity) Base64 algorithm



Codec for VLQ (variable-length quantity) Base64 algorithm

  • Monday, January 8, 2018
  • by axy
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  • 3 Versions
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Codec for VLQ (variable-length quantity) Base64 algorithm (PHP)., (*1)

Latest Stable Version Minimum PHP Version Tests Coverage Status License, (*2)


VQL + Base64

Base64 allows us to represent a sequence of numbers in a text string that can be stored and transmit in text formats (JSON, XML, etc)., (*3)

VLQ allows us to represent an integer in a sequence numbers with little digit capacity. For example 6 bit is the limit for Base64. The resulting numbers are called "VLQ digits". Small input number is represented by fewer VLQ-digits than big number. Thus VLQ is most effective if the input sequence is contains mainly the small numbers., (*4)

VLQ+Base64 allows us effectively represented a sequence of integers (dominated by a small number of) in the text format., (*5)

For example, it used in JavaScript/CSS source map., (*6)

The Algorithm

For example, we have a block of numbers: [12345, -12345, 0]., (*7)

(1). VLQ only works with unsigned integers. Transfer the sign bit to the end of the integer., (*8)

12345 in binary is 11000000111001. Added 0 (positive) to the end: 110000001110010., (*9)

For -12345 take a positive form and add 1 (negative) to the end: 110000001110011., (*10)

Result is [110000001110010, 110000001110011, 0]., (*11)

(2). Transform to the VLQ-sequence. For Base64 we need a block of 6-bit numbers. Most significant bit is reserved - it is "continuation"., (*12)

Split numbers to groups of 5 bits: [11000 00011 10010, 11000 00011 10011, 00000]. Output starting from the least significant bits. If the group is not the last in the current number then set the continuation bit., (*13)

Result: [110010 100011 011000 110011 100011 011000 000000]. Or decimal [50, 35, 24, 51, 35, 24, 0]. These are VLQ digits., (*14)

(3). Replace the numbers on the letters of the Base64-alphabet. The standard alphabet is A..Za..z0..9+/., (*15)

Result is yjYzjYA., (*16)

How to use the library

use axy\codecs\base64vlq\Encoder;

$encoder = new Encoder();

$encoder->encode([12345, -12345, 0]); // yjYzjYA
$encoder->decode('yjYzjYA'); //  [12345, 012345, 9]

$encoder->decode('Variable+Length+QuantitY'); // [-10, 13, -13349, -13 ... -12797139]

Or default encoder can be obtained as follow:, (*17)

$encoder = Encoder::getStandardInstance();

In this case, the object creation and preliminary calculations are performed only once., (*18)

Custom options

The standard encoder uses standard options:, (*19)

  1. Transfer the sign bit.
  2. 6-bit VLQ digits.
  3. Standard alphabet: A..Za..z0..9+/.

You can apply your settings:, (*20)

Encoder::__construct([array|string $alphabet, int $bits, bool $signed = true])
/* Custom alphabet, 4 bits, no sign transfer */
$encoder = new Encoder('My Alphabet', 3, false);

$encoder->encode([12345, 6789]); // phalllApplhhhy

Custom alphabet can be specified as a string (My Alphabet) or as an array ([1 => 'A', 10 => 'B', 15 => 'C', 20 => 'D'])., (*21)


The error classes are located in the namespace axy\codecs\base64vlq\Encoder\Errors., (*22)

  • Error
    • VLQ
      • InvalidVLQSequence
    • Base64
      • InvalidBase64
      • InvalidBase64Input
$encoder->decode('Az'); // VLQ sequence is invalid: [0,51]

z is 51 (the continuation bit = 1). The last digit must have 0 in continuation bit., (*23)

$encoder->decode('A*A'); // Base-64 string is invalid: "A*A"

* are not in the standard Base64 alphabet., (*24)


For the standard encoder this exception should not occur., (*25)

Can occur for incorrect custom options:, (*26)

$encoder = new Encoder('qwe', 10);
$encoder->encode([10, 20, 30]); // Number 20 is not found in Base64 alphabet

10 bits is 1024 variants, but the alphabet contains only 3 letter., (*27)

The Versions

08/01 2018


9999999-dev https://github.com/axypro/codecs-base64vlq

Codec for VLQ (variable-length quantity) Base64 algorithm

  Sources   Download


The Requires


base64 codec vlq variable length quantity source map

23/11 2015

1.0.1 https://github.com/axypro/codecs-base64vlq

Codec for VLQ (variable-length quantity) Base64 algorithm

  Sources   Download


The Requires


base64 codec vlq variable length quantity source map

22/02 2015

1.0.0 https://github.com/axypro/codecs-base64vlq

Codec for VLQ (variable-length quantity) Base64 algorithm

  Sources   Download


The Requires


base64 codec vlq variable length quantity source map