Client for Pupiq
It's designated to be integrated in ATK14 applications - i.e. applications powered by ATK14 Framework., (*1)
Just use the Composer:, (*2)
cd path/to/your/atk14/project/
composer require atk14/pupiq-client
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/fields/pupiq_image_field.php app/fields/pupiq_image_field.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/widgets/pupiq_image_input.php app/widgets/pupiq_image_input.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/fields/pupiq_attachment_field.php app/fields/pupiq_attachment_field.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/widgets/pupiq_attachment_input.php app/widgets/pupiq_attachment_input.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/fields/async_pupiq_attachment_field.php app/fields/async_pupiq_attachment_field.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/widgets/async_pupiq_attachment_input.php app/widgets/async_pupiq_attachment_input.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/helpers/modifier.img_url.php app/helpers/modifier.img_url.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/helpers/modifier.img_attrs.php app/helpers/modifier.img_attrs.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/helpers/modifier.img_height.php app/helpers/modifier.img_height.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/helpers/modifier.img_width.php app/helpers/modifier.img_width.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/helpers/modifier.img_color.php app/helpers/modifier.img_color.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/helpers/modifier.img_format.php app/helpers/modifier.img_format.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/app/helpers/modifier.pupiq_img.php app/helpers/modifier.pupiq_img.php
Write your PUPIQ API KEY into config/settings.php, (*3)
Optionally the following constants can be defined:, (*4)
Usage in templates
Consider an image in the original resolution 800x600. In the string variable $img there is URL to the image., (*5)
To preserve aspect ratio:
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80"} {* 80x60 *}
{!$img|pupiq_img:"x30"} {* 40x30 *}
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80x80"} {* 80x60 *}
To crop the image:
{!$img|pupiq_img:"!80x80"} {* 80x80 *}
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80x80xcrop"} {* 80x80 *}
Top crop image to the top or bottom line:
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80x80xcrop,top"} {* 80x80 *}
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80x80xcrop,bottom"} {* 80x80 *}
To preserve aspect ratio and fill the background size with a specific colour:
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80x80x#ffffff"} {* 80x80, the image is not cropped *}
To preserve aspect ratio and use transparent background:
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80x80xtransparent"} {* 80x80, the image is not cropped *}
Keep in mind that transparent background works only on PNG images.
Transparent background can be specified with a fallback background colour for JPG images:
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80x80xtransparent_or_#ffffff"} {* 80x80, the image is not cropped *}
To add some attributes to img tag:
{!$img|pupiq_img:"80x80,enable_enlargement":"class='image-icon',title='Nice icon',data-clickable"}
To set a specific format:
To add some attributes prepared as array (got from a controller for example):
class SomeController extends ApplicationController {
$this->tpl_data["image_attributes_array"] = array(
"class" => "image-icon",
"title" => "Nice icon",
"data-clickable" => true
To magnify:
{!$img|pupiq_img:"1600x1600"} {* 800x600, i.e. there is no magnification by default *}
{!$img|pupiq_img:"1600x1600,enable_enlargement"} {* 1600x1200 *}
To render a <img> tag by hand:
<img src="{$img|img_url:"!80x80"}" width="80" height="80" alt="a nice butterfly">
<img {!$img|img_attrs:"80x80"} alt="a nice butterfly">
To determine image width and height:
Width is {$img|img_width:"80x80"} pixels
Height is {$img|img_height:"80x80"} pixels
Detecting dominant colours
Helper img_color returns dominant colour in the given image., (*6)
Name of the colour can be specified in the optional 2nd parameter., (*7)
Possible names are:, (*8)
In some special cases the requested color may not be returned., (*11)
It may be useful to specify multiple colors in the desired order., (*12)
{$img|img_color:"light_vibrant or light_muted or muted"|desired:"#FFFFFF"}
At first you need to create one or more watermark definitions at address, (*13)
The default watermark should be named "default". When you didn't mention the name of the watermark, "default" is used., (*14)
{!$img|pupiq_img:"600x600xcrop,watermark"} {* default *}
{!$img|pupiq_img:"600x600xcrop,watermark=default"} {* also default *}
{!$img|pupiq_img:"600x600xcrop,watermark=logo"} {* watermark definition named logo is used *}
Set up local proxy
With local proxy, images uploaded to the Pupiq are being cached and served from your server., (*15)
Here you can find guides how to set up a local proxy in your application., (*16)
cd path/to/your/atk14/project/
mkdir i a
chmod 777 i a
ln -s ../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/i/error.php i/error.php
ln -s ../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/i/.htaccess i/.htaccess
ln -s ../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/a/error.php a/error.php
ln -s ../vendor/atk14/pupiq-client/src/a/.htaccess a/.htaccess
Add following lines to .gitignore:, (*17)
Prevent dispatcher.php to handle requests starting with /i/ or /a/ by adding these lines before RewriteRule (.*) dispatcher.php [L]
, (*18)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/i\/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/a\/
So the given part of the .htaccess may look like:, (*19)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^\/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/public\/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/server-status\/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/server-info\/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/i\/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/a\/
RewriteRule (.*) dispatcher.php [L]
Define constant PUPIQ_PROXY_HOSTNAME in config/settings.php:, (*20)
Pupiq Client is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license, (*21)