, (*1)
Country select field localized for every single language. It is intended to be used in ATK14 Forms., (*2)
It uses as the localized countries list., (*3)
It also contains Smarty modifier which displays the country name according to its code ISO., (*4)
Basic usage
In a form:, (*5)
// file: app/forms/users/create_new_form.php
class CreateNewForm extends ApplicationForm {
function set_up(){
$this->add_field("name", new CharField([
"label" => "Your name",
"hint" => "John Doe"
// other fields...
$this->add_field("country_code", new CountryField([
"label" => "Choose your country",
"initial" => "CZ"
In a template:, (*6)
* file: app/views/users/detail.tpl
<h1>{t}Your personal data{/t}</h1>
{t}Country:{/t} {$user->getCountryCode()|to_country_name}
Special cases
It's possible to define a limited set of countries., (*7)
$this->add_field("country_code", new CountryField([
"label" => "Choose your favourite V4 country",
"allowed_countries" => ["CZ","SK","PL","HU"]
It's also possible to define list of countries which are not allowed., (*8)
$this->add_field("country_code", new CountryField([
"label" => "Choose country",
"disallowed_countries" => ["BZ","IO","CF"]
A title of the empty choice can be set with option empty_choice_text:, (*9)
$this->add_field("country_code", new CountryField([
"empty_choice_text" => "-- select country --"
The empty choice can be omitted with option include_empty_choice:, (*10)
$this->add_field("country_code", new CountryField([
"include_empty_choice" => false
Just use the Composer:, (*11)
cd path/to/your/atk14/project/
composer require atk14/country-field
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/country-field/src/app/fields/country_field.php app/fields/country_field.php
ln -s ../../vendor/atk14/country-field/src/app/helpers/modifier.to_country_name.php app/helpers/modifier.to_country_name.php
CountryField is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license, (*12)