, (*1)
This package provides PSR7 standard Http message objects, Uri objects, Stream objects and Client request object. (PHP 5.3 Compatible), (*2)
Some parts of this package based on phly/http and joomla/http, (*3)
Project deprecated, please see windwalker/http, (*4)
Installation via Composer
Add this to the require block in your composer.json
., (*5)
``` json
"require": {
"asika/http": "~1.0"
}, (*6)
## Make A Request
HttpClient is a simple class to make restful request.
``` php
use Asika\Http\HttpClient;
$http = new HttpClient;
$response = $http->get('http://example.com/?foo=bar');
// This is PSR7 ResponseInterface
(string) $response->getBody();
Other Methods
``` php
$http = new HttpClient;, (*7)
// The post data can be query string or array
$response = $http->post('http://example.com/?foo=bar', array('post_data' => 'data'));
$response = $http->put('http://example.com/?foo=bar', array('post_data' => 'data'));
$response = $http->patch('http://example.com/?foo=bar', array('post_data' => 'data'));
$response = $http->delete('http://example.com/?foo=bar', array('post_data' => 'data'));, (*8)
$response = $http->head('http://example.com/?foo=bar');
$response = $http->trace('http://example.com/?foo=bar');
$response = $http->options('http://example.com/?foo=bar');, (*9)
// With headers
$response = $http->get('http://example.com/', null, array('X-Foo' => 'Bar'));, (*10)
// Use request()
$response = $http->request('POST', 'http://example.com/?foo=bar', 'this=is&post=data');, (*11)
### Use Psr RequestInterface to Make Request
Psr7 Request is a immutable object, you have to get the return object every operation.
``` php
use Asika\Http\Request;
$request = new Request;
// Note: You have to get the return value.
// Every change will return new object.
$request = $request->withRequestTarget('http://example.com/flower/sakura')
->withAddedHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $token)
->withAddedHeader('Content-Type', 'application/text');
// OR
$request = new Request(
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
// This is a POST request so we write post data to body
$http = new HttpClient;
// Send request
$response = $http->send($request);
Use Uri and Json output., (*12)
``` php
use Asika\Http\Request;
use Asika\Http\Uri\PsrUri;, (*13)
$request = (new Request)
->withUri(new PsrUri('http://example.com'))
->withAddedHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $token)
->withAddedHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') // Use JSON, (*14)
// Note: Request will ignore path and query in Uri
// So we have to set RequestTarget here
// If you want to set a non-origin-form request target, set the
// request-target explicitly:
$request = $request->withRequestTarget((string) $uri); // absolute-form
$request = $request->withRequestTarget($uri->getAuthority(); // authority-form
$request = $request->withRequestTarget('*'); // asterisk-form, (*15)
// This is JSON request so we encode data here
$response = $http->send($request);, (*16)
$response->getStatusCode(); // 200 is OK, (*17)
### Custom Transports and Options
Now support Curl and Steam 2 transports.
``` php
use Asika\Http\Transport\CurlTransport;
$options = array(
'certpath' => '/custom/cert.pem'
$transport = new CurlTransport($options);
// Set transport when client new
$http = new HttpClient(array(), $transport);
Set custom CURL options:, (*18)
``` php
$options = array(
'options' => array(
);, (*19)
$httpOptions = array(
'headers' => array(
'X-Foo' => 'Bar'
);, (*20)
$http = new HttpClient($httpOptions, new CurlTransport($options));, (*21)
### Download Remote File
``` php
$http = new HttpClient;
$dest = '/path/to/local/file.zip';
$response = $http->download('http://example.com/file.zip', $dest);
if ($response->getStatusCode() != 200)
// Error
Response Interface
Response object holds a Stream object to store returned string., (*22)
``` php
// The return value is: 'FOO BAR'
$body = $response->getBody();, (*23)
// Simply to string
(string) $body; // FOO BAR, (*24)
$body->getContents(); // O BAR, (*25)
$body->read(5); // FOO B, (*26)
$body->getSize(); // 7, (*27)
## Uri
`Uri` is a simple Uri object to modify URL but not Psr UriInterface.
The methods provided in the `Uri` class allow you to manipulate all aspects of a uri. For example, suppose you wanted to set a new uri, add in a port, and then also post a username and password to authenticate a .htaccess security file. You could use the following syntax:
``` php
// new uri object
$uri = new Asika\Http\Uri\Uri;
echo $uri->__toString();
This will output:, (*28)
If you wanted to add a specific filepath after the host you could use the setPath()
method:, (*29)
``` php
// set path
$uri->setPath('path/to/file.php');, (*30)
Which will output
myUser:myPass@http://localhost:8888path/to/file.php, (*31)
Adding a URL query:
``` php
// url query
Output:, (*32)
is a Uri object implemented the Psr UriInterface., (*33)
This object is also immutable, so we must get return value as new object every change., (*34)
``` php
$uri = (new PsrUri('http://example.com'))
->withUserInfo('user', 'pass')
->withFragment('#hash');, (*35)
(string) $uri; // https://user:pass@example.com/path/to/target?flower=sakura#fragment, (*36)
## Stream
Stream is a powerful stream wrapper.
Read write data to memory:
``` php
$stream = new Stream('php://memory', 'wb+');
$stream->write('Foo Bar');
$stream->rewind(); // Back to begin
// Now we take something we wrote into memory
$stream->__toString(); // get: Foo Bar
// OR
$stream->getContents(); // get: Foo Bar
Read data from php://input
, (*37)
``` php
$stream = new PhpInputSteam;, (*38)
$data = $stream->__toString(); // foo=bar, (*39)
$query = \Asika\Http\Uri\UriHelper::parseQuery($data); // array('foo' => 'bar'), (*40)
Read file:
``` php
$stream = new Stream('/path/to/file.txt', 'r+');
$stream->__toString(); // Read
$steam->write('new string'); // Write
Quick copy stream., (*41)
``` php
// Remote source
$src = new Stream('http://example/test.txt');, (*42)
// Local store
$dest = new Stream('/path/to/local/test.txt');, (*43)
// Do copy
\Asika\Http\Helper\StreamHelper::copy($src, $dest);, (*44)
// Get Data
$data = $dest->getContents();, (*45)
See: [Psr7 StreamInterface](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-7-http-message.md#13-streams)
/ [API](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-7-http-message.md#34-psrhttpmessagestreaminterface)
## Other Http Message Objects
### `ServerRequest`
A Request object to store server data, like: `$_SERVER`, `$_COOKIE`, `$_REQUEST` etc.
### `UploadedFile`
An object to store uploaded files, see: [Uploaded files interface](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-7-http-message.md#16-uploaded-files)
``` php
$files = array();
foreach ($_FILE as $name => $file)
$files[$name] = new UploadedFile($file['tmp_name'], $file['size'], $file['error'], $file['name'], $file['type']);
$request = new ServerRequest(
More About Psr 7
PSR7 HTTP message interfaces /
HTTP Message Meta Document, (*46)