9999999-devCallables queue manager
The Requires
by Artyom Kozhemyakin
Callables queue manager
Install it using composer:, (*1)
``` bash composer.phar require arko/queue-manager "dev-master", (*2)
## How to use Generally speaking, this component is designed to be used in a singleton style. Supposed that the QueueManager (or any class implementing the QueueManagerInterface) instance will be created once and retrieved later using some DIC like Symfony or Pimple. However, it`s up to you how to use it. You can create an instance of the queue manager like this: ``` php $queueManager = new Arko\QueueManager\QueueManager();
From now you can use it to add different actions to the named queues:, (*3)
``` php $queueManager->add(function() { // Do something here }, 'queue_name');, (*4)
// ..., (*5)
$queueManager->add(function() { // Do something else, maybe somewhere else. }, 'queue_name');, (*6)
As a first argument to the queue manager add method you can provide any php callable. Later you will be able to process the queue like this: ``` php $queueManager->process('queue_name');
After the queue is processed, it will be cleared. Generally speaking, it will be cleared just before the queue is processed. So, nested queues should work just fine., (*7)
Callables queue manager