2017 © Pedro Peláez

library lightweight-mvc

A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.



A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  • Thursday, July 28, 2016
  • by amostajo
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# LIGHTWEIGHT MVC (For Wordpress plugins and themes)

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License, (*1)

Lightweight MVC is a small framework that adds Models, Views and Controllers to your custom Wordpress plugin or theme., (*2)

Lightweight MVC utilices existing Wordpress functionality preventing from overloading the already heavy loaded Wordpress core., (*3)

This framework was inspired by Laravel to add the MVC design pattern to Wordpress development in an efficient, elegant and optimized way., (*4)


  • PHP >= 5.5.9


Add, (*5)

"amostajo/lightweight-mvc": "1.0.*"

to your composer.json. Then run composer install or composer update., (*6)

NOTE If you are not using composer, you can download the ZIP but will need to include the files manually since not autoload will be generated., (*7)


Your project needs to store somewhere your Models, Views and Controllers, and Lightweight MVC must know where., (*8)

Create these as folders, like this:, (*9)

 |---> [controllers]
 |---> [models]
 |---> [views]

Then in your functions.php or plugins.php file set these at the very beginnning, like:, (*10)

// Path to the controllers folder.
$engine = new Amostajo\LightweightMVC\Engine(

    // Path to the views folder.
    $views_path = 'path_to_views_folder',

    // Path to the controllers folder.
    $controllers_path = 'path_to_controllers_folder',

    // Namespace of your plugin or theme. For controller access
    $namespace = 'MyApp'



In Lightweight MVC, a Model at the end is just a type of Wordpress post. Store your models at the models folder., (*11)

Here is model example:, (*12)

post_title = 'New post';
$post->save(); // New inserts.

// Find and get post model from id.
$post = MyApp\Models\Post::find( $post_id ); // Returns null if not found

// Delete post (move it to trash)

// Update an attribute
$post->post_content = 'My content';

// Access to post meta
$meta = $post->meta;

// Cast to array
$array = $post->to_array();

// Cast to json
$array = $post->to_json();

// Cast to WP_Post
$array = $post->to_post();

// Get posts from parent.
$posts = MyApp\Models\Post::from( $parent_id );

#### Aliases

The model will let you add aliases to post attributes, meta values and event custom functions.

        'content'   => 'post_content',


When adding aliases to properties you can do things like this:

// Find and get post model from id.
$post = MyApp\Models\Post::find( $post_id );

echo $post->title; // Will echo post_title

$post->title = 'New title';
$post->save(); // Will save post_title

You can extend the attributes of a post with the meta table, the model does this seamlessly when adding aliases with `meta_` prefix:

        'content'   => 'post_content',
        'price'     => 'meta_price', // Meta key "price"


// Find and get post model from id.
$post = MyApp\Models\Post::find( $post_id );

echo $post->price; // Will echo meta value for meta key "price".

$post->price = 19.99;
$post->save(); // Will save meta value for meta key "price".

Sometimes you might need to add some logic to your attributes, you can accomplish this by adding an alias for a function using the `func_` prefix:

        'content'   => 'post_content',
        'price'     => 'meta_price',
        'is_free'   => 'func_is_free',

    protected function is_free()
        return $this->price is_free; // Will return true or false depending expression.

// Function aliases can not save values though.

Aliases fields are included when casting the model to arrays, json or string.

#### Types

As mentioned before, a model is a post type. Once a post type has been registered by you plugin or theme, you can create a model for it.

In the following example a new post type `books` has been created to handle book records:

        'description'   => 'post_content',
        'year'          => 'meta_year',
        'publisher'     => 'meta_publisher',

With just that, books can be used like this:

$book = new MyApp\Models\Book();

$book->title = 'My diary';
$book->description = 'About me';
$book->year = 2015;
$book->publisher = 'www.evopiru.com';

$book->save(); // This will save a new post of type 'book' with status 'publish'. ('draft' is default)

// Find book
$book = new MyApp\Models\Book::find( $id );

### Views

This is the templating mini-engine of **Lightweight MVC**.

Views are PHP files whose content is HTML most of the time. PHP tags should only be used to echo values from variables passed by.

Here an example of a view that displays a book object from the example above:


NOTE: There is no PHP logic in the view, just pure HTML, perfect for the designer to handle. Logic is placed in the controller., (*13)

You can place your views as please within the views folder. In example, let's assuming that the view file from above is named profile.php, you can place it in a path like this:, (*14)

 |---> [views]
 |      |---> [books]
 |      |      |---> profile.php

The key locator for this view within the engine will be:, (*15)

books.profile, (*16)

NOTE: If this view is located inside a plugin, you can add the same hirachy in any theme to customize the view with the theme's styles. Lightweight MVC will give priority to the view located in the theme., (*17)

Something like this:, (*18)

 |---> [views]
 |      |---> [books]
 |      |      |---> profile.php


Controllers are used to create handle any business logic and algorithms., (*19)

In the following example, we will use a controller to display the book profile., (*20)


namespace MyApp\Controllers;

use MyApp\Models\Book;
use Amostajo\LightweightMVC\View as View;
use Amostajo\LightweightMVC\Controller as Controller;

class BookController extends Controller
     * Searches for book based on passed ID.
     * Returns view books.profile.
    public function display_view( $id )
        $book_model = Book::find( $id );

        // (1) Indicates which View to return
        // (2) We pass $book_model to the view as 'book'
        return $this->view->get( 'books.profile', [
            'book' => $book_model,
        ] );

     * Searches for book based on passed ID.
     * Returns book as json.
    public function display_json( $id )
        $book = Book::find( $id );

        // Returns book as json
        return $book->to_json();


Once you have everything in order, you can use the framework as following (using the same book example):, (*21)

// Calls:
// Controller: BookController
// Function: display_view
// Parameters passed by: $book_id
// call function will echo the result.
$engine->call( 'BookController@display_view', $book_id );

// Calls:
// Controller: BookController
// Function: display_json
// Parameters passed by: $book_id
// action function will return the result.
$json = $engine->action( 'BookController@display_json', $book_id );

// Echo a view directly
$engine->view->show( 'books.profile', ['book' => Book::find( $book_id )] );


This package comes with a request class helper, to retrieve values from GET, POST or WORDPRESS' query_vars:, (*22)

$name = Amostajo\LightweightMVC\Request::input( 'name', $default_value );

Third value will clear the source value, great to prevent loop wholes with NONCE:, (*23)

$nonce = Amostajo\LightweightMVC\Request::input( 'my_nonce', $default_value, $clear_source = true );

Coding Guidelines

The coding is a mix between PSR-2 and Wordpress PHP guidelines., (*24)


Lightweight MVC is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license., (*25)

The Versions

28/07 2016



A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

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The Requires

  • php >=5.4.0


wordpress mvc lightweight light

24/09 2015


A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.4.0


wordpress mvc lightweight light

24/09 2015


A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.4.0


wordpress mvc lightweight light

18/09 2015


A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.4.0


wordpress mvc lightweight light

29/07 2015


A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.4.0


wordpress mvc lightweight light

29/07 2015


A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.3.0


wordpress mvc lightweight light

20/07 2015



A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.5.9


wordpress mvc lightweight light

20/07 2015


A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.5.9


wordpress mvc lightweight light

20/07 2015



A light weight (small) MVC framework for Wordpress plugins and themes.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.5.9


wordpress mvc lightweight light