2017 © Pedro Peláez

library lumen-testing

Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.



Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.

  • Saturday, July 21, 2018
  • by albertcht
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Lumen Testing

php-badge packagist-badge Total Downloads travis-badge, (*1)


A testing suite for Lumen like Laravel does., (*2)


  • >= PHP 7.1
  • >= Lumen 5.3


composer require --dev albertcht/lumen-testing
  • Make your test case extend AlbertCht\Lumen\Testing\TestCase

You're all done! Enjoy your testing like in Laravel!, (*3)


There are some traits you can use in your test case (including original ones in Lumen):, (*4)

  • AlbertCht\Lumen\Testing\Concerns\RefreshDatabase
  • AlbertCht\Lumen\Testing\Concerns\WithFaker
  • AlbertCht\Lumen\Testing\Concerns\InteractsWithRedis
  • AlbertCht\Lumen\Testing\Concerns\InteractsWithConsole
  • AlbertCht\Lumen\Testing\Concerns\InteractsWithContainer
  • Laravel\Lumen\Testing\DatabaseMigrations
  • Laravel\Lumen\Testing\DatabaseTransactions
  • Laravel\Lumen\Testing\WithoutMiddleware
  • Laravel\Lumen\Testing\WithoutEvents

RefreshDatabase = DatabaseMigrations + DatabaseTransactions, so if you use RefreshDatabase, you don't need to use the other two traits anymore., (*5)

Response Assertions

Laravel provides a variety of custom assertion methods for your PHPUnit tests. These assertions may be accessed on the response that is returned from the json, get, post, put, and delete test methods:, (*6)

Method Description
$response->assertSuccessful(); Assert that the response has a successful status code.
$response->assertStatus($code); Assert that the response has a given code.
$response->assertRedirect($uri); Assert that the response is a redirect to a given URI.
$response->assertHeader($headerName, $value = null); Assert that the given header is not present on the response.
$response->assertHeaderMissing($headerName); Assert that the given header is present on the response.
$response->assertCookie($cookieName, $value = null); Assert that the response contains the given cookie.
$response->assertPlainCookie($cookieName, $value = null); Assert that the response contains the given cookie (unencrypted).
$response->assertCookieExpired($cookieName); Assert that the response contains the given cookie and it is expired.
$response->assertCookieNotExpired($cookieName); Assert that the response contains the given cookie and it is not expired.
$response->assertCookieMissing($cookieName); Assert that the response does not contains the given cookie.
$response->assertJson(array $data); Assert that the response contains the given JSON data.
$response->assertJsonCount(int $count, $key = null); Assert that the response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key.
$response->assertJsonFragment(array $data); Assert that the response contains the given JSON fragment.
$response->assertJsonMissing(array $data); Assert that the response does not contain the given JSON fragment.
$response->assertJsonMissingExact(array $data); Assert that the response does not contain the exact JSON fragment.
$response->assertExactJson(array $data); Assert that the response contains an exact match of the given JSON data.
$response->assertJsonStructure(array $structure); Assert that the response has a given JSON structure.
$response->assertJsonValidationErrors($keys); Assert that the response has the given JSON validation errors for the given keys.
$response->assertViewIs($value); Assert that the given view was returned by the route.
$response->assertViewHas($key, $value = null); Assert that the response view was given a piece of data.
$response->assertViewHasAll(array $data); Assert that the response view has a given list of data.
$response->assertViewMissing($key); Assert that the response view is missing a piece of bound data.
$response->assertSee($value); Assert that the given string is contained within the response.
$response->assertDontSee($value); Assert that the given string is not contained within the response.
$response->assertSeeText($value); Assert that the given string is contained within the response text.
$response->assertDontSeeText($value); Assert that the given string is not contained within the response text.
$response->assertSeeInOrder(array $values); Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response.
$response->assertSeeTextInOrder(array $values); Assert that the given strings are contained in order within the response text.

Authentication Assertions

Laravel also provides a variety of authentication related assertions for your PHPUnit tests:, (*7)

Method Description
$this->assertAuthenticated($guard = null); Assert that the user is authenticated.
$this->assertGuest($guard = null); Assert that the user is not authenticated.
$this->assertAuthenticatedAs($user, $guard = null); Assert that the given user is authenticated.
$this->assertCredentials(array $credentials, $guard = null); Assert that the given credentials are valid.
$this->assertInvalidCredentials(array $credentials, $guard = null); Assert that the given credentials are invalid.

Database Assertions

Laravel provides several database assertions for your PHPUnit tests:, (*8)

Method Description
$this->assertDatabaseHas($table, array $data); Assert that a table in the database contains the given data.
$this->assertDatabaseMissing($table, array $data); Assert that a table in the database does not contain the given data.
$this->assertSoftDeleted($table, array $data); Assert that the given record has been soft deleted.


See full document at Laravel's doc:, (*9)

  • https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/http-tests
  • https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/database-testing

Support on Beerpay

Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of :beers:!, (*10)

Beerpay Beerpay, (*11)

The Versions

21/07 2018



Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel test phpunit testing lumen

21/07 2018


Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel test phpunit testing lumen

28/02 2018


Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel test phpunit testing lumen

31/12 2017


Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel test phpunit testing lumen

30/12 2017


Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel test phpunit testing lumen

30/12 2017


Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel test phpunit testing lumen

30/12 2017


Testing Suite For Lumen like Laravel does.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel test phpunit testing lumen