, (*1)
This PHP library will call the AdBack API and will generate the JavaScript tag
that should be placed on all the pages., (*2)
See the AdBack website for more informations., (*3)
See the AdBack documentation for an installation guide., (*4)
Both the Query
and Generators
will need a driver which implements
the ScriptCacheInterface
to work., (*5)
A driver for Redis is already available., (*6)
Usage Exemple
Use composer to install the lib :, (*7)
composer require adback/adback-sdk-php
Usage with Redis
Query the api
First you need to query the api to warmup the cache in a Redis data store :, (*8)
use Adback\ApiClient\Client\Client;
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\RedisScriptCache;
use Adback\ApiClient\Query\ScriptUrlQuery;
function createApiCache()
$client = new Client();
$redis = new \Redis();
$redisCache = new RedisScriptCache($redis);
$query = new ScriptUrlQuery($client, $redisCache, 'your-token');
Generate the scripts
In your page, preferably in the <head>
, use the generator to create the script :, (*9)
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\RedisScriptCache;
use Adback\ApiClient\Generator\AnalyticsScriptGenerator;
function generateAnalyticsScript()
$redis = new \Redis();
$redisCache = new RedisScriptCache($redis);
$generator = new AnalyticsScriptGenerator($redisCache);
return $generator->generate();
echo generateAnalyticsScript();
You could do the same to create the other scripts by using the appropriate generators., (*10)
Usage with MySQL
Create the table
To create the table used to store the data in MySQL, run the query:, (*11)
CREATE TABLE adback_cache_table(our_key varchar(255), our_value varchar(255));
With the PDO driver
Query the api
First you need to query the api to warmup the cache in a Mysql table :, (*12)
use Adback\ApiClient\Client\Client;
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\PdoScriptCache;
use Adback\ApiClient\Query\ScriptUrlQuery;
function createApiCache()
$client = new Client();
$connection = new \PDO('mysql:host=your-database-host;dbname=your-database;charset=utf8', 'login', 'password');
$cache = new PdoScriptCache($connection);
$query = new ScriptUrlQuery($client, $cache, 'your-token');
Generate the scripts
In your page, preferably in the <head>
, use the generator to create the script :, (*13)
use Adback\ApiClient\Generator\AnalyticsScriptGenerator;
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\PdoScriptCache;
function generateAnalyticsScript()
$connection = new \PDO('mysql:host=your-database-host;dbname=your-database;charset=utf8', 'login', 'password');
$cache = new PdoScriptCache($connection);
$generator = new AnalyticsScriptGenerator($cache);
return $generator->generate();
echo generateAnalyticsScript();
You could do the same to create the other scripts by using the appropriate generators., (*14)
With the Mysqli driver
Query the api
First you need to query the api to warmup the cache in a Mysql table :, (*15)
use Adback\ApiClient\Client\Client;
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\MysqliScriptCache;
use Adback\ApiClient\Query\ScriptUrlQuery;
function createApiCache()
$client = new Client();
$connection = new \mysqli('your-database-host', 'login', 'password', 'your-database');
$cache = new MysqliScriptCache($connection);
$query = new ScriptUrlQuery($client, $cache, 'your-token');
Generate the scripts
In your page, preferably in the <head>
, use the generator to create the script :, (*16)
use Adback\ApiClient\Generator\AnalyticsScriptGenerator;
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\PdoScriptCache;
function generateAnalyticsScript()
$connection = new \mysqli('your-database-host', 'login', 'password', 'your-database');
$cache = new MysqliScriptCache($connection);
$generator = new AnalyticsScriptGenerator($cache);
return $generator->generate();
echo generateAnalyticsScript();
You could do the same to create the other scripts by using the appropriate generators., (*17)
Usage with Full script save and Redis
Query the api
First you need to query the full script api to warmup the cache in a Redis data store :, (*18)
use Adback\ApiClient\Client\Client;
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\RedisScriptCache;
use Adback\ApiClient\Query\FullScriptQuery;
function createApiCache()
$client = new Client();
$redis = new \Redis();
$redisCache = new RedisScriptCache($redis);
$query = new FullScriptQuery($client, $redisCache, 'your-token');
Generate the code
In your page, use the generator to create the code :, (*19)
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\RedisScriptCache;
use Adback\ApiClient\Generator\AnalyticsCodeGenerator;
function generateAnalyticsCode()
$redis = new \Redis();
$redisCache = new RedisScriptCache($redis);
$generator = new AnalyticsCodeGenerator($redisCache);
return $generator->generate();
echo generateAnalyticsCode();
You could do the same to create the other scripts by using the appropriate generators., (*20)
Usage with Full script save and Redis with predis/predis
Query the api
First you need to query the full script api to warmup the cache in a Redis data store :, (*21)
use Adback\ApiClient\Client\Client;
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\RedisScriptCache;
use Adback\ApiClient\Query\FullScriptQuery;
use Predis\Client as Predis;
function createApiCache()
$client = new Client();
$redis = new \Predis('');
$redisCache = new RedisScriptCache($redis);
$query = new FullScriptQuery($client, $redisCache, 'your-token');
Generate the code
In your page, use the generator to create the code :, (*22)
use Adback\ApiClient\Driver\RedisScriptCache;
use Adback\ApiClient\Generator\AnalyticsCodeGenerator;
use Predis\Client as Predis;
function generateAnalyticsCode()
$redis = new \Predis('');
$redisCache = new RedisScriptCache($redis);
$generator = new AnalyticsCodeGenerator($redisCache);
return $generator->generate();
echo generateAnalyticsCode();
You could do the same to create the other scripts by using the appropriate generators., (*23)