An up-to-date PHP library for integrating with the MadMimi API., (*1)
Using your account, you can interact with all parts of the API using this library. This library
requires PHP 5.4+ and curl to be installed., (*2)
This library is available on packagist and can be installed using composer., (*3)
$ composer require aaronsaray/madmimi-api-php
Basic Usage
This example sends a transactional email to a promotion named "Meaning of Life" and replaces the {answer} placeholder with
the answer to life, the universe and everything. This email goes to Slartibartfast at, (*4)
use MadMimi\Connection;
use MadMimi\CurlRequest;
use MadMimi\Options\Mail\Transactional;
$connection = new Connection('', 'your-api-key', new CurlRequest());
$options = new Transactional();
$options->setPromotionName('Meaning of Life')
->setTo('', 'Slartibartfast');
$transactionId = $connection->request($options);
Sending Mail
Statistics / Status
Google Analytics
Social Links
Child Accounts
In general, method calls and organization of this API have been normalized using this library. So, please check
the MadMimi documentation AND this code documentation before implementing a method. Mostly they will translate the same,
but from time to time there have been liberties taken in this library. The responses are not currently translated into
known, normalized objects., (*5)
One such example is the transactional mailer status. While this documentation is located under the mailer section, and
the end point contains the /mailer path, it has been moved to the stats section. This particular call is not for sending
a mail, but instead, receiving the status of the particular email. It seems to fit better with the statistics section., (*6)
Another example is the promotion search API. The search functionality was split up - the search by exact ID is in the single
retrieval option - whereas the rest of the search criteria is in the search option. This mirrors the webforms paradigm., (*7)
- PHP 5.4+
- Curl
- MadMimi mailer API access
Bugs and Feature Requests
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub, (*8)
Aaron Saray -, (*9)
This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details, (*10)
We're using MadMimi in our work at - stop by and check it out. Also, special thanks
to the team at MadMimi who gave me access to the API for testing this library., (*11)