2017 © Pedro Peláez

library epicmongo





  • Friday, September 25, 2015
  • by aaroncox
  • Repository
  • 5 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 11 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 2 Versions
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MongoDb ORM for PHP (Inspired by Shanty Mongo, but rebuilt without Zend Framework), (*1)

This library is NOT complete yet, much of the functionality listed below is still in development., (*2)


Easy Querying

Simple interface to quickly query a collection by it's short name, returning a Document or DocumentSet., (*3)

$result = Epic_Mongo::db('shortname')->findOne();   // Returns Document
$results = Epic_Mongo::db('shortname')->find(); // Returns DocumentSet

Create Document Types

Create different document types with specific requirements, functionality and can be extended., (*4)

 'LIB_Mongo_Document_User' // This maps the 'shortname' of 'user' to the class 'LIB_Mongo_Document_User'

Easy Document Creation

Easily create a new document that is properly typed., (*5)

// Create a Sample User 
$user = Epic_Mongo::doc('new:user');    // Adding 'new:' and then the 'shortname' from the schema
$user->id = 1;
$user->username = 'admin';
$user->password = 'password';

Document Field Requirements

Create Requirements for specific fields on the Document Type. Listed below are examples of different options:, (*6)

  • 'doc:Class_Name': (Optional) Forces the value of this field to be set to the specified Document Class when returned.
  • 'ref:Class_Name': (Optional) Forces the value of this field to be set to the specified Document Class when returned and automatically causes the conversion into a DBRef.
  • 'req': (Optional) Requires this field to be set in order to save.
 array('ref:LIB_Mongo_Document_User', 'req'),    

// The schema must contain all of the different types
class LIB_Mongo_Schema extends Epic_Mongo_Schema {
    // Which database is this schema for?
    protected $_db = 'test_database';   
    // A map of all types this schema supports
    protected $_typeMap = array(
        'user' => 'LIB_Mongo_Document_User' // This maps the 'shortname' of 'user' to the class 'LIB_Mongo_Document_User'
        'post' => 'LIB_Mongo_Document_Post' // This maps the 'shortname' of 'post' to the class 'LIB_Mongo_Document_Post'

// Create a User 
$user = Epic_Mongo::doc('new:user');    // The 'shortname' from the schema
// Some random example data
$user->id = 2;
$user->username = 'author';
$user->password = 'password';
// Save the User

// Create a Post document for the User
$post = Epic_Mongo::doc('new:post');

// Set the User as the author of the post, no need to create a reference
$post->author = $user;

// Set Extra 'post' information
$post->id = 1;
$post->title = 'Test Post';
$post->body = 'This is a test post, posted by User #1';
$post->created = time();

// Save the Post

Reference Resolution

Automatically return the proper documents from DBRef references, (*7)

// This example uses the above example's classes and data
$post = Epic_Mongo::db('post')->findOne(array('id' => 1));
<!-- Renders the Post's Title -->
<h1><?= $post->title ?></h1>
<!-- Resolves the Reference for the Author, and Render's the User's Username -->
<h4><?= $post->author->username ?></h4>
<!-- Renders the Post's Body -->
<div><?= $post->body ?></div>

Returns Iteratable DocumentSets

When querying for more than one thing, automatically returns a DocumentSet, (*8)

// Get all posts sorted by the time field, descending
$posts = Epic_Mongo::db('post')->find(array(), array('time' => -1))
    <!-- Iterate over the Posts -->
    <? foreach($posts as $post): ?>
        <!-- Renders the Post's Title -->
        <h1><?= $post->title ?></h1>
        <!-- Resolves the Reference for the Author, and Render's the User's Username -->
        <!-- Iteration 1 = "admin", Iteration 2 = "author" -->
        <h4><?= $post->author->username ?></h4> 
        <!-- Renders the Post's Body -->
        <div><?= $post->body ?></div>
    <? endforeach; ?>

Automatic Reference Querying

When you pass in a full object, it will convert it to a reference per the requirements on the document type., (*9)

// Select User #1
$user = Epic_Mongo::db('user')->findOne(array('id' => 1));
// Build a Query for the posts collection where the author is a reference of the user
$query = array(
    'author' => $user,
// Find all posts
$posts = Epic_Mongo::db('post')->find($query);

Export a DocumentSet to an Array

Incase the ArrayAccess and IteratorAggregate implementations don't do enough and you just want an array., (*10)

// Find all our posts
$posts = Epic_Mongo::db('post')->find();
echo gettype($posts); // Returns "object" (specifically Epic_Mongo_DocumentSet)
echo gettype($posts->export()); // Returns "array" 

Create a Document from an Array

Easily fill out a document by passing in an array of data., (*11)

// Build some Sample data
$values = array(
    'username' => 'admin',
    'password' => 'password',
    'email' => 'email@email.com',
// Pass the Array into the ->setFromArray function
$user = Epic_Mongo::doc('new:user')->setFromArray($values)->save();
echo $user->username; // returns 'admin'
echo $user->password; // returns 'password'
echo $user->email; // returns 'email@email.com'

The Versions

25/09 2015


9999999-dev http://github.com/aaroncox/EpicMongo


  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.3.0


orm mongodb

03/05 2013


dev-aggregate http://github.com/aaroncox/EpicMongo


  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.3.0


orm mongodb