Silex Assets
Silex Assets aims to be the most minimal possible asset pipeline for using sass/requirejs in a Silex project., (*1)
Rather than depend on Gulp/Grunt, a Makefile is provided, or a set of Makefile includes to include in your
project., (*2)
How does it work?
All asset compilation is done via the command-line. This means your app is ultra-lean, even in development. All assets are based around a dist
directory, which is located in your web tree. A Makefile is used to generate a
file which contains what files have been generated and checksums for their contents., (*3)
The twig extension included then allows twig templates to reference files in dist, along with the checksum from
the manifest as a cache-buster., (*4)
This looks like <link rel="stylesheet" src="/web/dist/mystylesheet.css?12312334234" />
where the number is a
CRC32 checksum built in the make manifest
target., (*5)
During development you can run make watch
and changing sass will be re-compiled, a new manifest will be built
and if you have the LiveReload plugin your browser will update., (*6)
composer require 99designs/silex-assets
Then add the provider to your app.php file:, (*7)
$app->register(new \SilexAssets\Provider\AssetsServiceProvider(array(
'web_path' => '/dist',
'output_dir' => __DIR__.'/../web/dist',
'requirejs_compiled' => $app['assets.require_compiled'],
'requirejs_output_dir' => __DIR__.'/../web/dist/js',
'requirejs_web_path' => '/dist/js',
Then there are twig extensions added that use a very similar syntax to the Assetic extensions:, (*8)
{% stylesheets 'css/swiftly.css' 'css/asimovicons.css' %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
{% endstylesheets %}
{% javascripts "js/example.js" %}
<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}
{% assets "js/example.js" %}
<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endassets %}
{% requirejs 'bundles/frontpage' %}