Cabinet is a filestore abstraction written in PHP. Filestores map string keys to
files., (*1)
At the core of Cabinet is the FileStore
interface, which defines most of the
operations you'd find in a normal filesystem (read, write, delete, etc.). By
programming to this interface, your application code remains unaware of the
underlying filestore implementation., (*2)
Abstracting the filestore lets you swap one implementation for another without
requiring changes to your application code. For example, you might use S3 in
production, a local filesystem in dev, and an array-backed implementation in
your unit tests., (*3)
Filestore implementations
Cabinet comes with a number of filestore implementations:, (*4)
stores files in your local filesystem.
stores files in a PHP array.
is a black hole like /dev/null
There are two additional wrapper implementations:, (*5)
delegates read and write operations to two separate
provides a way to compose multiple filestores into a
virtual filesystem.
To provide a custom implementation, write a class that implements
., (*6)
Example usage
You'd typically defer construction of a filestore to a factory constructor:, (*7)
class FileStoreFactory
public static function create() {
// This might return an implementation based on your app config
return new \Cabinet\FilesystemFileStore('/tmp/myfiles');
Then your application code uses the filestore like so:, (*8)
$store = FileStoreFactory::create();
$file = $store->newFile('/foo/bar');
$store->setFileContents($file, 'some data');
This writes the given data to /tmp/myfiles/foo/bar
., (*9)