This is a basic Doctrine2 Test Library to be used with PHPUnit., (*1)
- SQLite in-memory database used for tests
- Fixture Support
- Subscriber support
Install via composer., (*2)
Writing tests
namespace Application\Test\Entity;
class MyModelTest extends EntityTestCase
//If you need to set the application module configuration, because you are
//not using a custom bootloader for tests, then use the trait
use ServiceLocatorAwareTestTrait;
public function setUp()
// Load the database schemas
$this->loadSchemas(array('Entity\MyEntity')); // Load as many needed for the tests
// Optionally, you can load fixtures
// You can also load subscribers, like registering sluggable, timestampable etc behaviour
//$myListener = new Listener\MyListener();
//If using the ServiceLocatorAwareTestTrait
$configOverrides = [];
include __DIR__ . '/PATH TO YOUR APPLICATION CONFIG/application.config.php',
public function testCreate()
// Get the entity manager for managing persistence etc.
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
// Test a create
$myEntity = new Entity\MyEntity;
$myEntity->setTitle('Hello World');
// Test we issued SQL to the database
$this->assertEquals(1, $this->getQueryCount(), 'Should have executed one query to the database');
// Test the generation of an ID
$this->assertNotEmpty($myEntity->getId(), 'Should have got an ID for my entity');
protected function getServiceLocator() {
return \Application\Test\Bootstrap::getServiceManager();