The Requires
- php >= 5.3.0
The Development Requires
An exception hierarchy to represent HTTP errors and redirections, (*1)
Exception * 3xx Redirection * 300 MultipleChoices * 301 MovedPermanently * 302 Found * 303 SeeOther * 304 NotModified * 305 UseProxy * 306 SwitchProxy * 307 TemporaryRedirect * 308 PermanentRedirect * Error * 4xx ClientError * 400 BadRequest * 401 Unauthorized * 402 PaymentRequired * 403 Forbidden * 404 NotFound * 405 MethodNotAllowed * 406 NotAcceptable * 407 ProxyAuthenticationRequired * 408 RequestTimeout * 409 Conflict * 410 Gone * 411 LengthRequired * 412 PreconditionFailed * 413 RequestEntityTooLarge * 414 RequestUriTooLong * 415 UnsupportedMediaType * 416 RequestRangeNotSatisfiable * 417 ExpectationFailed * 418 ImATeapot * 419 AuthenticationTimeout * 426 UpgradeRequired * 428 PreconditionRequired * 429 TooManyRequests * 431 RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge * 5xx ServerError * 500 InternalServerError * 501 NotImplemented * 502 BadGateway * 503 ServiceUnavailable * 504 GatewayTimeout * 505 HttpVersionNotSupported * 506 VariantAlsoNegotiates * 509 BandwidthLimitExceeded * 510 NotExtended * 511 NetworkAuthenticationRequired * 522 ConnectionTimedOut, (*2)