Add the following as requirement to you composer.json:, (*1)
25th/zf2-repository-initializer": "dev-master"
Add the class as initializer in the appropriate module.config.php., (*2)
'initializers' => [ 'TwentyFifth\Zf2RepositoryInitializer\Initializer', ],
The injection targets must implement a sub-interface of TwentyFifth\ZF2RepositoryInitializer\RepositoryAware and this sub-interface must specify a service key that will be used to look for the injection object. The name of the interface must end with Aware like FooRepositoryAware and the Initializer also requires the sub-interface or the injection target to implement a method set<RepositoryName> where RepositoryName is the Prefix to Aware. So all subclasses of FooRepositoryAware must have a method setFooRepository., (*3)
Further the interface must provide an annotation @repositoryService which specifies a service key. The service manager will be called with this key in order to load the service., (*4)