2017 © Pedro Peláez

library behat-js-errorlog



  • Friday, April 10, 2015
  • by dready
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JS Error Logger Context for Behat 3., (*1)

The Context extends from Mink and was tested with the selenium2 driver. Basically it looks after every Step if there is an error present., (*2)

To get this working you need to add a js snippet into the html code of your project., (*3)


The Context was tested soley with the selenium2 driver. There can be Situations that the check for js errors after a step can break the testcase. There was no reason why the setup behaves that way., (*4)

The only workaround was to introduce a ignore tag called ignore-js-error. Scenarios with that tag will not be checked in any way., (*5)


Just install via composer, (*6)



Add the context to your behat confguration file. There are no Constructor Parameters, (*7)

your application

You need to adjust your application to work with the context., (*8)

Depending if you are using a javascript framework you might to adjust to that as well, (*9)


If you are using angular you might want to add your own exception handler to catch js errors., (*10)

"use strict";

!function (angular) {

    var Module = angular.module('myModule');

            $get: ['errorLogService', function (errorLogService) {
                return (errorLogService);

    // Factory to provider error log service
    // - simple console logger
        ['$log', function ($log) {

            function log(exception, cause) {
                // Default behavior, log to browser console
                $log.error.apply($log, arguments);

                // for selenium
                exception.message += ' (caused by "' + cause + '")';
                if ($window.jsErrors !== undefined) {
                    $window.jsErrors[$window.jsErrors.length] = exception.message;

            // Return the logging function.
            return (log);



You don't need to adjust anything in your Scenarios to get this working. But there is way if you don't want the Context to run at a specific Scenario or a whole Feature File. You can use the tag @ignore-js-logging if you don't want any step to check for js errors., (*11)

The Versions

10/04 2015



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The Requires


by Thomas Subera