Payum Monetico (Credit Mutuel/CIC/OBC) payment gateway., (*1)
][link-github-actions], (*2)
Symfony bundle available here.
Sylius plugin available here.
Installation / Configuration
composer req ekyna/payum-monetico
use Ekyna\Component\Payum\Monetico\Api\Api;
use Ekyna\Component\Payum\Monetico\MoneticoGatewayFactory;
$factory = new MoneticoGatewayFactory();
$gateway = $factory->create([
'mode' => Api::MODE_PRODUCTION,
'tpe' => '123456',
'key' => '123456',
'company' => 'foobar',
// Register your convert payment action
// $gateway->addAction(new \Acme\ConvertPaymentAction());
Create your convert action
See src/Action/ConvertPaymentAction.php sample., (*3)
Create your notify controller
Example (Symfony):, (*4)
public function notifyAction(Request $request)
// Get the reference you set in your ConvertAction
if (null === $reference = $request->request->get('reference')) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException();
// Find your payment entity
$payment = $this
->findOneBy(['number' => $reference]);
if (null === $payment) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException();
$payum = $this->get('payum');
// Execute notify & status actions.
$gateway = $payum->getGateway('monetico');
$gateway->execute(new Notify($payment));
$gateway->execute(new GetHumanStatus($payment));
// Get the payment identity
$identity = $payum->getStorage($payment)->identify($payment);
// Invalidate payment tokens
$tokens = $payum->getTokenStorage()->findBy([
'details' => $identity,
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
// Return expected response
return new Response(\Ekyna\Component\Payum\Monetico\Api\Api::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);