Robo Github plugin
Plugin to create or update deployments on github from Robo., (*1)
Available tasks
github:deploy:create Create a github deployment
github:deploy:fail Fail a github deployment
github:deploy:finish Finish a github deployment
Quick example:
Create a deployment ( and trigger hooks )
$ ./vendor/bin/robo github:deploy:create <http_token> <org> <repo> <ref> <environment>
Finish a deployment ( and trigger hooks )
$ ./vendor/bin/robo github:deploy:finish <http_token> <org> <repo> <ref> <environment>
Fail a deployment ( and trigger hooks )
$ ./vendor/bin/robo github:deploy:fail <http_token> <org> <repo> <ref> <environment>
Using the plugin in your tasks
See the example RoboFile, (*2)