9999999-devEi18n is a translation module to allow Yii'ers to easily manage missing translations on their application pages.
yii ei18n
Ei18n is a translation module to allow Yii'ers to easily manage missing translations on their application pages.
=========================, (*1)
Ei18n is a translation module to allow Yii'ers to easily manage missing translations on their application pages.
It is heavily inspired by yii.translate <>
developed by Gustavo Salomé Silva gusnips <>
_., (*2)
The module also allows the edition of translations specified by categories. Its utility widget WTranslate handles that very smoothly., (*3)
The frontend is all AJAX based. I thought that would be better to leave to developers the creation of a backend in order to edit translations on a regular basis., (*4)
Plus, the Ei18n component has a couple of helper functions to the language settings automation. Check the Set CAction class to be included on the controller that will handle language settings., (*5)
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* jQuery v1.7 or higher (tested with jQuery v1.7). * `fancybox 2.0.5 <>`_ * `jwysiwyg 0.97.2 <>`_ * jbar Jquery plugin -**Modified version** * Yii 1.9
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* Chrome 17.0.963.56 on Macosx Lion * Safari Version 5.1.3 (7534.53.10) on Macosx Lion * Firefox 8.0.1 Macosx Lion * Firefox 9.0.1 Macosx Lion
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On your main.php config file do the following::, (*9)
/* import the module */ 'import'=>array( /* ... */ 'application.modules.translate.TranslateModule' /* ... */ /* setup your default language */ 'language'=> 'en', /* setup message translation method */ 'components'=>array( 'messages' => array( 'class' => 'CDbMessageSource', 'onMissingTranslation' => array('Ei18n', 'missingTranslation'), 'sourceMessageTable' => 'tbl_source_message', 'translatedMessageTable' => 'tbl_message' ), /* setup global translate application component */ 'translate' => array( 'class' => 'translate.components.Ei18n', 'createTranslationTables' => true, 'connectionID' => 'db', 'languages' => array( 'en' => 'English', 'es' => 'Español', 'it' => 'Italiano' ) ), ), /* setup the module */ 'modules' => array( 'translate' ), /* preload the global translate application component */ 'preload'=> array( 'translate' ) /* ... */
Once the module and the translation component have been set. You can just use any of the following helper functions::, (*10)
Yii::app()->translate->renderMissingTranslationsEditor(); /* or */ /* Yii::app()->translate->renderTranslationsEditor(array('index','menu')); */
The first method, and due to the view rendering nature of Yii, I highly recommend the display of those functions
at the bottom of your main
or base
layout, as it will collect all missing ones throughout
the rendering process., (*11)
web development has never been so fun, (*12)
Ei18n is a translation module to allow Yii'ers to easily manage missing translations on their application pages.
yii ei18n