Allow guest clients to be rate limited, using their IP as the identifier.
, (*1)
Allow guest clients to be rate limited, using their IP as the identifier., (*2)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*3)
Either run, (*4)
php composer.phar require ethercreative/yii2-ip-ratelimiter "1.*"
or add, (*5)
"ethercreative/yii2-ip-ratelimiter": "1.*"
to the require section of your composer.json
file., (*6)
Modify the bahavior method of the controller you want to rate limit, (*7)
public function behaviors() { $behaviors = parent::behaviors(); $behaviors['rateLimiter'] = [ // Use class 'class' => \ethercreative\ratelimiter\RateLimiter::className(), // The maximum number of allowed requests 'rateLimit' => 100, // The time period for the rates to apply to 'timePeriod' => 600, // Separate rate limiting for guests and authenticated users // Defaults to true // - false: use one set of rates, whether you are authenticated or not // - true: use separate ratesfor guests and authenticated users 'separateRates' => false, // Whether to return HTTP headers containing the current rate limiting information 'enableRateLimitHeaders' => false, ]; return $behaviors; }