, (*1)
This bundle aims to provide a webFactory tool in eZ Platform context., (*2)
This bundle is a pre-release, continue to evolve
Your help is welcom to fix, evolve or customize this project, (*3)
French : documentation, (*4)
English : coming soon, (*5)
Screencast (in french)
, (*6)
During pre-release (1.0.x), you can't just update the bundle, (*7)
Content architecture, Content Field Type, Roles and Policies will change, (*8)
we will not provide update script until stable release, (*9)
1.0.10 -> 1.0.11
- add cache clear task command when manipulating bundles, new content types, copy subtree ...
- add assets install task when generating new bundle
1.0.9 -> 1.0.10
- it's no more possible to choose language when installing sitebuilder : we use main language
- you should now parameter all site settings for all languages when generating new site
1.0.8 -> 1.0.9
- you can now chosse your language when installing sitebuilder
- this language will be default language for all operations : model, customer, user generation ...
- beware of using another language than eng-GB : you should enable this language for 'site_group' and translate all content/media/user groups
- add command cache:clear after generating new siteaccess : new siteaccess is now available for policy user/login manipulation
1.0.7 -> 1.0.8
- new user generate tab for customer creator users
- you can now create new creator/editor users for your customer
- fix dashboard : adding logs column, label status
- can't generate new site if no model exists (or activate)
- check if user with same email exists when creating new customer and user
1.0.6 -> 1.0.7
- vendor/customer/model/site name can now have uppercase not only for first letter
- fix site generate form
- add model activate
- add site activate