2017 © Pedro Peláez

ezplatform-bundle ezslackbundle

Novactive eZ Slack Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that provides a complete Slack integration



Novactive eZ Slack Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that provides a complete Slack integration

  • Sunday, March 18, 2018
  • by NovaDT
  • Repository
  • 4 Watchers
  • 6 Stars
  • 2 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 0 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 2 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


Novactive eZ Slack Bundle

This repository is what we call a "subtree split": a read-only copy of one directory of the main repository. It is used by Composer to allow developers to depend on specific bundles., (*1)

If you want to report or contribute, you should instead open your issue on the main repository: https://github.com/Novactive/Nova-eZPlatform-Bundles, (*2)

Documentation is available in this repository via .md files but also packaged here: https://novactive.github.io/Nova-eZPlatform-Bundles/master/SlackBundle/README.md.html, (*3)

Downloads Latest version License, (*4)

Novactive eZ Slack Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that provides a complete Slack integration., (*5)

This bundle provides a deep Slack integration., (*6)

It provides 5 high-level features that you can decline to build unlimited concrete collaboration features:, (*7)

  • Slack Connect: to allow user to login in eZ via Slack and to recognize a Slack user in eZ. (mapping with roles & permissions)
  • Incoming Webhooks: to allow eZ to post Message (notifications) in one(or more) channel(s) in your Slack workspace.
  • Interactive Components: to allow you to add Buttons or Selects (and more types) to your Message to create interactive experiences for your users.
  • Slash Commands: to allow your users to trigger actions from Slack into your eZ.
  • (Soon): Event Subscriptions: Your eZ will be able to listen channels and interact with you users.

Yes, we can vulgarize and say that it is a Chat Bot, (*8)

This bundle simplify drastically the work you have to do to manage your own interactions between your eZ and your Slack workspace. (see usage to learn how to do it), (*9)

By default, on top of those high-level features, this bundle provides interactions and commands. (see features), (*10)

DEMO: https://youtu.be/3DTe6pDCx1w, (*11)


Features, (*12)

Usage and installation instructions

Usage, (*13)

Installation, (*14)


Changelog, (*15)

Special Mentions and Credits

This bundle requires those awesome libs, BIG thank you to their mainteners!, (*16)

Also this bundle was inspired by 2 great articles, (*17)

The Versions