9999999-dev Platform Bundle with ready to use code samples
The Requires
- php ^5.6|^7.0
- ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel ^5.4.10 || ^6.7 || ^7.0
eZ Platform Bundle with ready to use code samples
Cookbook bundle aims to: - Provide full working examples of eZ Platform API use - Serve as a reusale set of commands you can use when you need to during development, (*1)
1.0 on this bundle aims to work across eZ Publish Platform 5.4 and eZ Platform 1.7 / 1.13 / 2.5., (*2)
Required:, (*3)
Create and install eZ Platform using composer:, (*4)
composer create-project ezsystems/ezplatform:^2
Follow the instructions that show up on the screen to have fully working clean install of eZ Platform., (*5)
Install CookbookBundle
using composer:, (*6)
# execute in your eZ Platform project working directory: composer require ezsystems/cookbook-bundle:^1.0@dev
Follow the instructions that show up on the screen to have fully working clean install of CookbookBundle
., (*7)
Enable the bundle in AppKernel.php
:, (*8)
public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new EzSystems\CookbookBundle\EzSystemsCookbookBundle(), ); // ... }
Clear Symfony cache, (*9)
php bin/console cache:clear
Try already defined commands. You can find all available commands by:, (*10)
php bin/console |grep 'ezpublish:cookbook'
That's all!, (*11)
eZ Platform Bundle with ready to use code samples