Less is an extension for the Yii PHP framework that allows developers to compile LESS files into CSS using the native JavaScript compiler.
LESS can be compiled both client-side using less.js and server-side using lessc.
Less comes with two compilers, a client compiler that uses less.js and a server compiler that uses lessc., (*1)
Thanks to my friend Sam Stenvall (negge) for providing me with his version of the server-side compiler., (*2)
Download the latest version, unzip the extension under protected/extensions/less and add the desired component (client or server) to your application configuration.
Below you can find example configurations for both compilers., (*3)
Once the component is loaded all specified LESS files will be compiled (as long
as they have changed or forceCompile is enabled) which makes it a good
candidate for pre-loading. It is up to you to register
the generated CSS files in your layout., (*4)
return array(
In order to compile your LESS server-side you need to download and install Node.js.
When you have installed Node.js use npm (Node Packaged Modules) to install the less module., (*5)
return array(
Below you can find a list of the available configurations (with default values) for each compiler., (*6)
'files'=>array( // files to compile (relative from your base path)
'env'=>'production', // compiler environment, either production or development
'async'=>false, // load imports asynchronous?
'fileAsync'=>false, // load imports asynchronous when in a page under a file protocol
'poll'=>1000, // when in watch mode, time in ms between polls
'dumpLineNumbers'=>'mediaQuery', // enables debugging, set to comments, mediaQuery or all
'watch'=>true, // enable watch mode?
'files'=>array( // files to compile (relative from your base path)
'basePath'=>'path/to/webroot', // base path, defaults to webroot
'nodePath'=>'path/to/node.exe', // absolute path to nodejs executable
'compilerPath'=>'path/to/lessc', // absolute path to lessc
'strictImports'=>false, // force evaluation of imports?
'compression'=>false, // enable compression, either whitespace or yui
'optimizationLevel'=>false, // parser optimization level, set to 0, 1 or 2
'forceCompile'=>false, // compile files on each request?