2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony1-plugin dm-tabs-behavior-plugin

dmTabsBehaviorPlugin - Tabs Front Behavior for Diem Extended



dmTabsBehaviorPlugin - Tabs Front Behavior for Diem Extended

  • Thursday, November 29, 2012
  • by TheCelavi
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dmTabsBehaviorPlugin for Diem Extended

Author: TheCelavi
Version: 1.0.0
Stability: Stable
Date: November 29th, 2012
Courtesy of Run Open Code
License: Free for all, (*1)

dmTabsBehaviorPlugin enhance displayed content on the page converting some HTML structure into tabbed control., (*2)

How to use?

dmTabsBehaviorPlugin expects one container which contains tabs titles and tabs contents, per example:, (*3)


dmTabsBehaviorPlugin can handle title and content alternating as well, which gives you more flexibility:, (*4)


Note that it is required that there have to be same number of title and content elements., (*5)

In this examples, container, title and content are for illustrative purpose, of course, they have to be a valid HTML tags (per example, DIV or UL/LI). The tag names used here are given to easily correlate with tabbed interface element., (*6)

However, the easiest way to use this behavior is to add even number of widgets into zone, half of them for tab titles and half for content. It is required to attach the behavior to the zone and that's it., (*7)

HTML output

The structure presented in previous text, the behavior will change to structure as presented below:, (*8)

<div class="dmTabsBehavior theme">
    <div class="tab-titles-wrapper">
        <title class="tab-title tab-title-index-0 tab-open"></title>    
        <title class="tab-title tab-title-index-1 tab-closed"></title>    
        <title class="tab-title tab-title-index-2 tab-closed"></title>
    <div class="tab-contents-wrapper">
        <content class="tab-content tab-content-index-0 tab-open"></content>
        <content class="tab-content tab-content-index-1 tab-closed"></content>
        <content class="tab-content tab-content-index-2 tab-closed"></content>

Having in mind the following, you can easily style each aspect of the tabbed control and adjust it to your design needs., (*9)

Note classes tab-open and tab-closed - they marking the state of each tabbed control element., (*10)

Each tab title and tab content container have its index class for even more design customisation., (*11)

Configuration and theming

In dmTabsBehaviorPlugin/config/dm/config.yml are configuration parameters for this behavior., (*12)

      inner_target: ''
      theme: default
      title: at_top
      event: click
      animation: slide
      easing: jswing
      duration: 500
      initialy_open: 1
      default: 'dmTabsBehaviorPlugin.default'

If you have download the behavior via Github, you can modify this file. If you have installed it via Composer, then you have to use Symfony config cascade to override this settings., (*13)

Section defaults contains default settings for behavior, which behavior form initially displays. If you want some other settings to be shown as default, this is the place for change., (*14)

Section themes is for theme, and it gets configured as theme_key: path_to_css_file. If user in behavior form selects a default theme, the tabbed view HTML structure will be:, (*15)

<div class="dmTabsBehavior default">
    .... titles and contents

Note that a default class is added, that is, the theme key. Of course, the theme CSS file will be loaded as well. So, for you is just to theme it., (*16)

The Versions

29/11 2012


9999999-dev http://www.runopencode.com/projects/diem/front-behaviors/dmtabsbehaviorplugin

dmTabsBehaviorPlugin - Tabs Front Behavior for Diem Extended

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Free for all

The Requires


plugin behavior diem diem extended front behavior dmtabsbehaviorplugin