The sfFormI18nNumberPlugin
is a Symfony1 plugin that provides an
widget and validator for internationalized numbers., (*1)
Installation: Symfony 1
- Install the plugin
symfony plugin:install sfFormI18nNumberPlugin
- Clear you cache
symfony cc
Installation: Composer
Add the plugin your composer.json
requirements:, (*2)
"require": {
"fos1/sf-form-i18n-number-plugin": "1.0.*",
After you create in your schema a number-field with type double, float or decimal,
change your form as follows:, (*3)
before, (*4)
public function configure() {
// widgets
'number' => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
// validators
'number' => new sfValidatorNumber(),
after, (*5)
public function configure() {
// widgets
'number' => new sfWidgetFormI18nNumber(),
// validators
'number' => new sfValidatorI18nNumber(),
The widget and the validator takes the culture to recognize, convert and display numbers
from the user-session. If this is not possible or you want to use a different culture than
the culture of the user session, you can set a option., (*6)
// widgets
'number' => new sfWidgetFormI18nNumber(array('culture' => 'fr')),
// validators
'number' => new sfValidatorI18nNumber(array('culture' => 'fr')),