9999999-devsymfony1 plugin that enables you to export any page as a PDF file by only adding the pdf format to the request
The Requires
by Desarrollo CeSPI
symfony1 plugin that enables you to export any page as a PDF file by only adding the pdf format to the request
The pmPDFKitPlugin
plugin is a clone on jdpace's PDFKit library for Ruby (and
Ruby on Rails). It allows you to export any page as PDF only adding the pdf
format to the request. IE: calling, (*1)
wkhtmltopdf library is required. You can download it from wkhtmltopdf on Google code., (*2)
{ "require": { "desarrollo-cespi/pm-p-d-f-kit-plugin": "dev-master" } }
Or using git, from source., (*3)
Enable the plugin in the project configuration:, (*4)
// in config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php add: $this->enablePlugin('pmPDFKitPlugin');
pm_pdfkit: class: pmPDFKitFilter
all: pm_pdf_kit: executable: /home/patricio/bin/wkhtmltopdf
Clear the cache, (*5)
Finally, try to access any resource appending the .pdf format., (*6)
default_index: url: /:module.:sf_format param: { action: index, sf_format: html } default: url: /:module/:action.:sf_format/* param: { sf_format: html }
You can save any view to a file (instead of inline view in the browser) using the pmPDFKit class., (*7)
Specify extra parameters for wkhtmltopdf appending them to the url:, (*8)
See all options executing wkhtmltopdf -H
in the terminal., (*9)
symfony1 plugin that enables you to export any page as a PDF file by only adding the pdf format to the request