9999999-devsymfony plugin that provides SSO authentication and authorization using the SAML standard
The Requires
by Desarrollo CeSPI
symfony plugin that provides SSO authentication and authorization using the SAML standard
This plugin provides SSO authentication and authorization for symfony applications based in [SAML]., (*1)
SSO provided by Saml allow developers to concentrate in business logic delegating all authentication and authorization work to Saml Identity Manager., (*2)
The plugin installation is as simply as described here., (*3)
An other additional feature is that once a user is authenticated in one of the applications using Saml, you will be automatically authenticated in the others applications, (*4)
{ "require": { "desarrollo-cespi/dc-saml-plugin": "dev-master" } }
Install from source using git, (*5)
Enable the plugin in your project configuration, (*6)
// in config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php add: $this->enablePlugin("dcSamlPlugin");
all: ..... dc_saml_plugin: # Saml Server settings login_url: http://localhost/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php logout_url: http://localhost/simplesaml/saml2/idp/initSLO.php?RelayState= certificate: # if you have a file with the saml certificate called saml.cert name_identifier_format: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistant" application_issuer: application-identification-name # The prefix to delete from the appliction credentials. # If you have this credentials for your application: # [application-identification-name.delete_something, application-identification-name.create_something] # the prefix should be "application-identification-name" remove_permission_prefix: prefix # Where do you want the plugin redirects you when login or logout success_signin_url: @homepage success_signout_url: @homepage # This module actions are if you want to redefine them. Do not recomended security_check_module: dcSamlAuth security_check_action: securityCheck # In this case, the permission attributes are like # array("permissions" => array("permission_name" => "prefix.permission")) attribute_name_of_the_credential_name: permission_name credentials_attribute_name: permissions
module and change enabled_modules: [default, dcSamlAuth, .... ] login_module: dcSamlAuth login_action: signin
dc_saml_signin: url: /login param: { module: dcSamlAuth, action: signin } dc_saml_signout: url: /logout param: { module: dcSamlAuth, action: signout }
rendering: ~ security: class: dcSamlSecurityFilter
class myUser extends dcSamlSecurityUser { }
all: storage: class: sfSessionStorage param: session_name: saml-test
symfony plugin that provides SSO authentication and authorization using the SAML standard