9999999-devA simple math interval matcher for javascript.
math interval nodejs
v0.0.7 simple math interval matcher for javascript.
math interval nodejs
A simple math interval matcher for javascript.
Check if a given number match with a math interval., (*3)
You just download the source zip., (*4)
Or if you want:, (*5)
NPM:, (*6)
npm install math-interval-js
., (*7)
Bower:, (*8)
bower install math-interval-js
., (*9)
Composer:, (*10)
composer require vluzrmos/math-interval-js
., (*11)
Simple:, (*12)
Interval.test(1, "[1,2]"); // true Interval.test(3, "[1,2]"); // false
Set of numbers:, (*13)
Interval.test(2, "{1,3,5,7}"); // false Interval.test(3, "{1,3,5,7}"); // true
Infinity:, (*14)
Interval.test(-2, "[1, Inf)"); // false Interval.test(400, "[1, Inf)"); // true
Interval.test(-2, "(-Inf, Inf)"); // true Interval.test(1000, "(-Inf, Inf)"); // true
Simple excluded:, (*15)
Interval.test(-2, "(-2, 2)"); // false Interval.test(2, "(-2, 2)"); // false Interval.test(0, "(-2, 2)"); // true Interval.test(1, "(-2, 2)"); // true
NodeJS:, (*16)
var Interval = require('math-interval-js');
Html:, (*17)
<script src="/path/to/that/package/src/interval.js"></script>
A simple math interval matcher for javascript.
math interval nodejs
A simple math interval matcher for javascript.
math interval nodejs