9999999-dev PHP Google Places API
The Requires
The Development Requires
google places googlemaps googleplacesapi placesapi
The PHP Google Places API
This package allows you to connect and pull information from the Google Places API, (*1)
You will need a Google API Client Key to use Google Places API., (*2)
Composer to install package., (*3)
Use composer require tmarois/google-places-api dev-master
, (*4)
$client = new \GooglePlaces\Client('YOUR_CLIENT_KEY'); // find all movie theaters in this zip code $response = $client->placeSearch('textsearch')->setOptions([ 'query' => 'movie theaters in 28202' ])->request(); // get specific place detail information $placeId = 'ChIJvznB1hAnVIgRrWFNVdxDHm0'; $response = $client->placeDetails($placeId)->request(); // get a photo found in the previous responses, // look up by the "photo_reference" // save the photo locally for caching $photoId = 'CmRaAAAAoKx6KQyrDEJ0si1ekan0QaZ6Y02NpXwBFa1ncLaKhZECbFa'; $client->placePhotos($photoId,[450,450])->request()->save(__DIR__.'/images');
Accepting contributions and feedback. Send in any issues and pull requests., (*5)
The PHP Google Places API
google places googlemaps googleplacesapi placesapi