The Development Requires
by Leonid Shagabutdinov
The php mocking library., (*1)
, (*2)
composer require --dev shagabutdinov/moka
, (*3)
Create stubs:, (*4)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, [ 'method1', 'method2' => 'DEFAULT', 'method3' => 'DEFAULT' ]); $classStub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stubClass(null, [ '::method1', '::method2' => 'DEFAULT', 'method3' => 'DEFAULT' ]); $mock = \shagabutdinov\Moka::mock('MyClass', ['ARG'], ['method' => 'DEFAULT']); // new MyClass('ARG') $classMock = \shagabutdinov\Moka::mockClass('MyClass', ['::method' => 'DEFAULT']);
Attach stubs extra behaviour:, (*5)
$stub->moka()->stubs('method2')->with('ARG1', 'ARG2')->returns('RESULT'); $stub->moka()->stubs('method3')->returns('RESULT'); $mock->moka()->stubs('method')->on(function() { // some condition })->returns('RESULT'); $classStub::$moka->stubs('method1')->returns('RESULT'); $classStub::$moka->stubs('method2')->with('ARG1')->returns('RESULT_1'); $classStub::$moka->stubs('method2')->at(1)->returns('RESULT_2');
Call stubs:, (*6)
$stub->method1(); // error: method1 is not stubbed $stub->method2(); // DEFAULT $stub->method2('ARG1', 'ARG2'); // RESULT $stub->method3(); // DEFAULT $classStub::method1('ARG1'); // RESULT $classStub::method2('ARG2'); // RESULT_1 $classStub::method2(); // RESULT_2 $classStub::method2(); // DEFAULT
Get stub report:, (*7)
$stub->moka()->report('method2'); // [[], ['ARG1', 'ARG2']] $classStub::moka->report('method1'); // [['ARG1'], ['ARG2']]
Create object with method METHOD
that returns RESULT
:, (*8)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, ['method' => 'RESULT']); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $stub->method());
Redefine result on mock:, (*9)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, ['method' => 'OLD']); $stub->moka()->stubs('method')->returns('NEW'); $this->assertEquals('NEW', $stub->method());
Set specific return value for argument:, (*10)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, ['method' => 'DEFAULT']); $stub->moka()->stubs('method')->with('ARG')->returns('RESULT'); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $stub->method('ARG'));
Set specific return value for callback:, (*11)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, ['method' => 'DEFAULT']); $stub->moka()->stubs('method')->on(function() { return true; })-> returns('RESULT'); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $stub->method('ARG'));
Set specific return value for second call:, (*12)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, ['method' => 'DEFAULT']); $stub->moka()->stubs('method')->at(1)->returns('RESULT'); $stub->method(); // DEFAULT $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $stub->method());
Set callback for stub:, (*13)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, ['method' => 'DEFAULT']); $stub->moka()->stubs('method')->calls(function() { return 'RESULT'; }); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $stub->method('ARG'));
Check method call count:, (*14)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, ['method' => 'RESULT']); $stub->method(); $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($stub->moka()->report('method')));
Check method arguments:, (*15)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub(null, ['method' => 'RESULT']); $stub->method('ARG'); $this->assertEquals(['ARG'], $stub->moka()->report('method')[0]);
Stub static method:, (*16)
$class = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stubClass(null, ['::method' => 'RESULT']); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $class::method());
Apply arguments checking on class:, (*17)
$class = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stubClass(null, ['::method' => 'DEFAULT']); $class::$moka->stubs('method')->with('ARG')->returns('RESULT'); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $class::method('ARG'));
Stub only some methods of class and leave another unchanged:, (*18)
$class = \shagabutdinov\Moka::mockClass('\shagabutdinov\Moka', ['::method' => 'RESULT']); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $class::method()); $this->assertInstanceOf('\shagabutdinov\moka\Spy', $class::spy());
Report static calls arguments:, (*19)
$class = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stubClass(null, ['::method' => 'RESULT']); $class::method('ARG'); $this->assertEquals(['ARG'], $class::$moka->report('method')[0]);
Report class instance arguments:, (*20)
$class = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stubClass(null, ['call' => 'RESULT']); (new $class())->call('ARG'); $instance = $class::$moka->instance(0); $this->assertEquals(['ARG'], $instance->moka()->report('call')[0]);
Report constructor argument:, (*21)
$class = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stubClass(null, ['__construct' => null]); new $class('ARG1', 'ARG2'); $report = $class::$moka->instance(0)->moka()->report('__construct'); $this->assertEquals(['ARG1', 'ARG2'], $report[0]);
Create stub with parent:, (*22)
$stub = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stub('\Exception', ['getName' => 'NAME']); $this->assertInstanceOf('\Exception', $stub);
Create test spy (similar as in sinon js, but with less methods):, (*23)
$spy = \shagabutdinov\Moka::spy('RESULT'); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $spy());
Adjust spy behaviour:, (*24)
$spy = \shagabutdinov\Moka::spy('DEFAULT'); $spy->stubs()->with('ARG')->returns('RESULT'); $this->assertEquals('RESULT', $spy('ARG'));
It is difficult to test classes that call static methods of other classes.
For example there is UsersController
that calls User::find
:, (*25)
class UsersController { public function main() { // There are rumors that static methods are forbidden in some php teams... return json_encode(User::find(1)); } }
Here is how can you test it using moka
:, (*26)
class UsersController { private $_userClass; public function __construct($userClass = 'User') { $this->_userClass = $userClass; } public function find($id) { return json_encode($this->_userClass::find($id)); } } class UsersControllerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testMainReturnsUser() { $userClass = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stubClass(null, ['::find' => 'USER']); $controller = new UsersController($userClass); $this->assertEquals('"USER"', $controller->find(1000)); } public function testMainCallsFind() { $userClass = \shagabutdinov\Moka::stubClass(null, ['::find' => 'USER']); $controller = new UsersController($userClass); $controller->find(1000); // check that `find` was called with 100 $this->assertEquals([1000], $userClass::$moka->report('find')[0]); } }
Note that there is no need to stub json_encode
as its considered to be stable,
covered with tests on php side, isolated from envirenoment and fast enough to
not slow down rest of tests., (*27)
Syntax $this->_userClass::find($id)
is available only for php 7
; in earlier
version you should do: call_user_func_array([$this->_userClass, 'find'], [$id])
, (*28)
It is difficult to test classes that call functions. For example there is
that calls file_get_contents
:, (*29)
class UserData { const DATA_PATH = '/data'; public function get($id) { $path = self::DATA_PATH . '/' . $id . '.json'; return json_decode(file_get_contents($path)); } }
Here is how can you test it using moka
:, (*30)
class UserData { const DATA_PATH = '/data'; private $_fileGetContents; public function __construct($fileGetContents = 'file_get_contents') { $this->_fileGetContents = $fileGetContents; } public function get($id) { // note parenthesis around $this->_fileGetContents in order to function $path = self::DATA_PATH . '/' . $id . '.json'; return json_decode(($this->_fileGetContents)($path)); } } class UserDataTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testGetReturnsFileContents() { $fileGetContents = \shagabutdinov\Moka::spy('"USER"'); $userData = new UserData($fileGetContents); $this->assertEquals('USER', $userData->get(1000)); } public function testGetCallsFileGetContentsWithUserId() { $fileGetContents = \shagabutdinov\Moka::spy('"USER"'); $userData = new UserData($fileGetContents); $userData->get(1000); $this->assertEquals(['/data/1000.json'], $fileGetContents->report()[0]); } }
It is not recommended to create objects with a lot of dependecies, but therefore everybody does it (almost each framework and developer). There is a way to do that by grouping dependecies in array:, (*31)
class MyClass { private $_userClass; private $_roleClass; private $_otherClass; public function __construct($arg1, $arg2, $dependecies = [ 'user_class' => 'User', 'role_class' => 'Role', 'other_class' => 'Other', ]) { $this->_userClass = $dependecies['user_class']; $this->_roleClass = $dependecies['role_class']; $this->_otherClass = $dependecies['other_class']; // ... } }
We do not create classes with static methods that calls external dependencies
(but decorators allowed and we do not test it) in shagabutdinov
, but only use such
classes. So moka
does not support such kind of testing:, (*32)
class MyClassWithStaticMethods { public static function call() { OtherClass::call(); // unmokable with moka } }
You can contact us in order to add support for such testing., (*33)
How does it work?, (*34)
It creates php code for each mock
, stub
, mockClass
or stubClass
and evaluates it through php eval
function., (*35)
Which version of php are required?, (*36)
It should works with php >= 5.6
, but but if you use type hinting
php 7
is required. It also should work with php >= 5.4
but we don't test it
as phpunit does not support this version of php., (*37)
Can I have report for methods without stubbing/mocking it?, (*38)
$class = \shagabutdinov\Moka::mockClass('\shagabutdinov\Moka', []); $class::spy('ARG'); $class::$moka->report('spy'); // []
No, you can not; you have to always stub or mock instance or class in order to see it arguments. Note that observing for function without replacing it behaviour is considered as bad practice in shagabutdinov, so moka does not allow to do this., (*39)
Correct example:, (*40)
$class = \shagabutdinov\Moka::mockClass('\shagabutdinov\Moka', ['spy' => 'MySpy']); $class::spy('ARG'); $class::$moka->report('spy'); // [['ARG']]
Is it fast and can run thouthands of unit tests in milliseconds?, (*41)
I don't think so. Also moka
is memory consumptive because it stores history
of all stubbed methods calls in static classes. This will change in future., (*42)
Is it stable and suitable for production use?, (*43)
No. We need some time to test it carefully and fix last bugs in order to make
stable. You can help us to do that by trying moka
and opening issues., (*44)
How can I contribute?, (*45)
Open a pull request:, (*46)
The MIT License (MIT), (*47)
Leonid Shagabutdinov, (*48)