Convert your data to xml string easily.
This package helps you in converting your data to XML easily. This package is independent of any php framework. But I took care of two popular frameworks specifically, (*1)
Install using composer, (*2)
composer require rummykhan/easy-xml
Wit the constructor initialization you can use it any framework you may like., (*3)
$rootNode = new XmlNode('person'); $educationNode = new XmlNode('education'); $educationNode->addAttributes(['MOE' => 'SXC', 'DAE' => 'COE', 'BA' => 'UOS']); $rootNode->addChildNode($educationNode); $jobNode = new XmlNode('job'); $jobNode->addAttribute('first', ''); $jobNode->addAttribute('second', ''); $jobNode->addAttribute('third', ''); $jobNode->addAttribute('fourth', ''); $rootNode->addChildNode($jobNode) ->setDeclaration(XmlDeclaration::V1); // since it implements php __toString() method dd((string)$rootNode); // OR dd($rootNode->toString());
will output, (*4)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <person> <education MOE="SXC" DAE="COE" BA="UOS" /> <job first="" second="" third="" fourth="" /> </person>
To add a child node to XmlNode. e.g., (*5)
$rootNode = new XmlNode('employees'); $employeeNode = new XmlNode('employee'); $rootNode->addChildNode($employeeNode);
To set the value of the node. Node can either have other node as children or it has a primitive value., (*6)
$rootNode = new XmlNode('name'); $rootNode->setValue('rummykhan');
To add the attribute for the xml node., (*7)
$rootNode = new XmlNode('person'); $rootNode->addAttribute('age', 30);
To add multiple attributes for the xml node. e.g., (*8)
$rootNode = new XmlNode('person'); $rootNode->addAttributes([ 'name' => 'rummykhan', 'age' => 30 ]);
To set the Xml declaration, (*9)
$rootNode = new XmlNode('employees'); $rootNode->setDeclaration('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>');
To convert xml single node or xml node hierarchy to xml string., (*10)
$rootNode = new XmlNode('employees'); dd($rootNode->toString());, (*11)