A PHP package for tests
, (*1)
Usage:, (*2)
<?php use PHPLegends\Tests\Bench; use PHPLegends\Tests\BenchObject; require 'vendor/autoload.php'; //Composer autoload //Function for test function foo($a, $b) { $a + $b; } $bench = new Bench; $bench->defaultCicles(500);//Set default cicles for all tests //Added callback function with string $test1 = $bench->addTest(function ($a, $b) { $baz = 'foo'; $baz($a, $b); }); //Setup cicles (loops) and arguments for callback $test1->cicles(15000)->args(1, 2); //Added test callback function with call_user_func_array $test2 = $bench->addTest(function($a, $b) { $baz = 'foo'; call_user_func_array($baz, array($a, $b)); }); $test2->cicles(15000)->args(3, 2); //Call "direct" function foo $test3 = $bench->addTest(function() { foo(10, 10); }); $bench->run(); echo 'Test #1 (memory):', $test1->memory(), '<br>'; echo 'Test #1 (time):', $test1->time(), '
'; echo 'Test #2 (memory):', $test2->memory(), '<br>'; echo 'Test #2 (time):', $test2->time(), '
'; echo 'Test #3 (memory):', $test3->memory(), '<br>'; echo 'Test #3 (time):', $test3->time(), '<br>'; $bench = $test1 = $test2 = $test3 = null;