A simple but extentable rate limiting package., (*1)
Install using composer., (*2)
composer require phparmory/rate
Rate requires PHP7 to run., (*3)
Actors are the entities that can be rate limited. They are identified by an IP address:, (*4)
use Armory\Rate\{
$actorFactory = new ActorFactory();
$actor = $actorFactory->create('');
Events are entities that can be rate limited. Event are identified by name, can have a cost (discussed later) and is triggered by an actor., (*5)
use Armory\Rate\{
$eventFactory = new EventFactory();
$event = $eventFactory->create('request.user.api', 1, $actor); // Cost of 1
Rate Limits
Rate limits are entities that contain information about the imposed limits. Rate limits can have a number of attempts, a timeframe and a penalty (discussed later)., (*6)
use Armory\Rate\{
$rateLimitFactory = new RateLimitFactory();
$rateLimit = $rateLimitFactory->create(100, 60, 10); // 100 requests per minute (60 seconds) with a penalty of 10 seconds for hitting the rate limit
Event Repositories
Events can be persisted to a storage medium so that rate limits can be imposed across requests. Rate comes with a FakeRepository (in-memory) to get you started., (*7)
use Armory\Rate\{
$eventRepositoryFactory = new EventRepositoryFactory();
$repository = $eventRepositoryFactory->create(); // Defaults to FakeRepository
Rate Limiters
Rate limiters are services that define a strategy for rate limiting. Rate comes with two main rate limiting strategies:, (*8)
- Basic rate limiting e.g. 100 requests every hour
- Dynamic rate limiting i.e. leaky bucket
use Armory\Rate\{
$rateLimiterFactory = new RateLimiterFactory();
$rateLimiter = $rateLimiterFactory->dynamic($event, $limit, $repository);
If a rate limited is exceeded it will throw a Armory\Rate\Exceptions\RateLimitExceededException
., (*9)
Costs allow for a cost/balance implementation whereby imposing a limit of 100 on the rate limiter
gives the actor a balance of 100 credits. Each event 'costs' a number of credits which subtract
from the total balance. For example:, (*10)
use Armory\Rate\{
$eventFactory = new EventFactory;
$userApi = $eventFactory->create('user.api', 1, 0); // 1 credit
$postsApi = $eventFactory->create('posts.api', 2, 0); // 2 credits
A third parameter to creating an event allows you to specify a penalty for hitting the rate limit.
If a rate limit is hit, the penalty time prevents the rate limit from passing even if the
actor would usually have credits., (*11)
use Armory\Rate\{
$eventFactory = new EventFactory;
$userApi = $eventFactory->create('user.api', 1, 20); // Hitting the rate limit puts the actor in timeout for 20 seconds