9999999-devSimple class for basic google maps distance calculations.
The Requires
- php >=7
The Development Requires
by Owen Melbourne
distance google maps
Simple class for basic google maps distance calculations.
Allows you to return distance and duration between 2 long/lat positions, (*1)
use OwenMelbz\GoogleMapDistanceCalculator\DistanceCalculator; $maps = new DistanceCalculator($apiKey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx'); $maps->setStartingPoint(52.629129, 1.290570); $maps->setEndPoint(52.623990, 1.304594); $maps->setEndPoints([ [52.623990, 1.304594], [52.623990, 1.304594], [52.623990, 1.304594], ]); // maximum of 25 is supported by google $maps->setTravelMode('walking'); // default 'driving' $maps->setFormat('xml'); // default 'json' $maps->setUnit('metric'); // default 'imperial' $maps->getDistance(); $maps->getDistanceInMeters(); $maps->getTravelDuration(); $maps->getTravelDurationInSeconds(); $maps->calculate(); // returns whole response from google $maps->toArray(); // generates a friendly bundle of the data $maps->getDistanceInMeters(2); // If using multiple endpoints the array key to return the data from e.g. the 3rd item in the array.
Simple class for basic google maps distance calculations.
distance google maps