Filters through text and cleans the input of bad words found.
Filters through text and cleans the input of bad words found., (*1)
Pull in the composer package by running the command below:, (*2)
composer require oliveris/bad-words
Import the BadWords namespace into the class (autoloading), (*3)
use BadWords\BadWords;
Below is an example that returns a bool value if a bad word was detected within the given string., (*4)
Below is an example that returns an array value of bad words was detected within the given string., (*5)
Below is an example that returns a clean string, it replaces any bad words found within a string with random words that the user has set., (*6)
BadWords::setReplacementWords([ 'hello', 'world', 'tree', 'desk', 'computer' ]); BadWords::replaceBadWords($test_string);
Below is an example that returns a clean string, it replaces any bad words found with a mask the same length as the bad words., (*7)
Below is an example that returns the string in its original unmasked form., (*8)
BadWords::setFilterWords([ 'moody', 'fat', 'cunt' ]);
BadWords::addToFilterWords([ 'bollocks', 'shit', 'slag' ]);
BadWords is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license., (*9)