A command line tool to lint multiple PHP files
This package introduces a simple bash script that lints multiple PHP files at once., (*1)
This tool should be compatible with any PHP Cli that provides lint check., (*2)
Simply provide a list of files and/or folders for the tool to validate., (*3)
$ bin/lint-php test/valid/foo.php test/valid/bar.php PHP Lint, by Valdir Bruxel Junior and contributors ... 2/2 Validation finished (2 files, 2 valid, 0 errors, 0 skipped)
If you provide a folder, it will recursevilly lint all php files in that folder., (*4)
$ bin/lint-php test/valid PHP Lint, by Valdir Bruxel Junior and contributors .......... 3/3 Validation finished (10 files, 10 valid, 0 errors, 0 skipped)
If it encounters any errors, it will validate all files and output the errors it encountered in the end of the execution run., (*5)
$ bin/lint-php test/valid test/errors PHP Lint, by Valdir Bruxel Junior and contributors E... 4/4 Validation finished (4 files, 3 valid, 1 errors, 0 skipped) There were 1 file(s) with syntax errors: 1) test/error/with-error.php PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in test/error/with-error.php on line 3 Errors parsing test/error/with-error.php
If you provide a non-existent file to be validated, it will be skipped by the lint check., (*6)
bin/lint-php test/lorem-ipsum.php PHP Lint, by Valdir Bruxel Junior and contributors S 1/1 Validation finished (1 files, 0 valid, 0 errors, 1 skipped) Skipped 1 file(s): 1) test/lorem-ipsum.php