php parser for html tags and html inline styles , to allow or prevent some css styles with any value or specific value
php parser for html tags and html inline styles , to allow or prevent some css styles with any value or specific value, (*1)
$ composer require ibraheem-ghazi/html-stripper
strip($str, $useStripTags=true, $allowedTags= ['p','span','b','strong','u','ins','i','em','s','del','ul','li','ol','table','thead','tfoot','tbody','tr','th','td','br']), (*2)
paramters: $str // **(string)** the html code for topic or post $useStripTags // **(bool)** should use strip tags alongside css stripper $allowedTags // **(array)** if strip tags is used , then which tags are allowed return clean clone of input string
addStyle($attribute,$value='*',$condition='='), (*3)
paramters: $attribute // **(string)** which css attribute should allow (Ex: width, height, text-align, font-size, direction, ...etc) $value // **(string)** which value should allow for this css attribute ('*' mean any value is allowed for this attribute) $condition // **(string)** allowed value should be equal, less than, or greather than specified value **use these constants for `` $condition `` : ** HTMLStripper::EQUAL HTMLStripper::LESS_THAN HTMLStripper::GREATER_THAN
Example:, (*4)
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use IbraheemGhazi\HTMLStripper\HTMLStripper; $str= require 'input_str.php'; //get string from input_str.php and put it in $str variable $hss= new HTMLStripper(); $hss->addStyle('margin-right','40px',HTMLStripper::LESS_THAN);//39 and less are allowed $hss->addStyle('text-align','*',HTMLStripper::EQUAL); $hss->addStyle('height','30px',HTMLStripper::LESS_THAN); $hss->addStyle('width','5%',HTMLStripper::GREATER_THAN); // ... etc // $new_str = $hss->strip($str,true,['strong','em','p']); $new_str = $hss->strip($str,true,['table','tr','td','th','p','br']); echo $new_str;