Package for sending SMS in Laravel ~5.3 (use service https://www.epochta.ru), (*1)
composer require "fomvasss/epochta-sms"
register the service provider and aliases in config/app.php:, (*2)
'Epochta' => Fomvasss\Epochta\Services\Epochta::class,
Then publish assets with, (*3)
php artisan vendor:publish
This will add the file config/epchta_sms.php, (*4)
Edit file config/epchta_sms.php, set:
- private_key
- public_key
- test_mode
- sms_lifetime
- currency, (*5)
Using facades Epochta
use Fomvasss\Epochta\Services\Facade\Epochta;
Now, you can use next:, (*6)
Epochta::sendSms($sender, $text, $phone) //return ID SMS
Epochta::getUserBalance() //return float
Epochta::getSmsStatus($idSms); //return string status SMS
Function getSmsStatus() return next statuses:
- Ошибка сервера
- В очереди отправки
- Отправлено
- Доставлено
- Не доставлено
- Неверный номер
- Отрправлено в спам, (*7)
Using objects APISMS, Addressbook and Account (original API)
use Fomvasss\Epochta\Libraries\APISMS;
use Fomvasss\Epochta\Libraries\Account;
use Fomvasss\Epochta\Libraries\Addressbook;
use Fomvasss\Epochta\Libraries\Exceptions;
$sms=new APISMS();
$addressbook=new Addressbook($Gateway);
$account=new Account($Gateway);
$account=new Exceptions($Gateway);
Example sended SMS
$res = $sms->sendSMS('SenderName', 'your sms text :)', '+380969416666', null, 0);
$res['result']['id']; // ID SMS
Other method and API see this doc:
- https://www.epochta.com.ua/products/sms/v3.php
- https://www.epochta.ru/products/sms/php-30-example.php, (*8)