A PHP-SDK for EpsumThings Platform
EpsumThings php sdk for developers and hobbyists alike for using EpsumThings IoT platform., (*1)
You can install the package using the composer package manager using the following command., (*2)
composer require epsumlabs/epsumthings-php:dev-master
<?php require("./vendor/epsumlabs/epsumthings-php/epsum_things.php"); $obj=new account("user@domain.com","secret_key","app_id"); //secret_key and app_id can be found on EpsumThings app section of your EpsumThings account. $things=new epsumthings(); echo($things->user_profile($obj)); ?>
EpsumThings (Beta) is an IoT platform developed at Epsum Labs Private Limited for people like you to taste the sweetness of IoT with minimal effort., (*3)
Get registered at http://things.epsumlabs.com to explore the IoT platform., (*4)