9999999-devLaravel 5.5 package to collect queue statistics
The Requires
by crazybooot
Laravel 5.5 package to collect queue statistics
Laravel package for queued job statistics collecting, (*1)
* Add service provider to config/app.php ``` php 'providers' => [ ... Crazybooot\QueueStats\Providers\QueueStatsServiceProvider::class, ],
* Run migrations ``` bash $ php artisn migrate
class ExampleJob implementes QueueStatsInterface, ShouldQueue { use QueueStatsTrait; }, (*2)
* As well you can use extended artisan command to generate job with QueueStatsTrait and QueueStatsInterface. Just add `StatJobMakeCommand` command to the `app/Console/Kernel.php`. `php artisan make:job` would be override by this command. ``` php protected $commands = [ ... Crazybooot\QueueStats\Make\StatJobMakeCommand::class ];
Get statistics about jobs:, (*3)
``` php ... use Crazybooot\QueueStats\Models\Job;, (*4)
... // get failed jobs Job::failed()->get();, (*5)
// get success jobs Job::success()->get();, (*6)
// get not handled jobs Job::notHandled()->get();, (*7)
// get jobs handled on specified queue Job::queue('default')->get();, (*8)
// get jobs on specified connection Job::connection('redis')->get();, (*9)
// get jobs with specified class Job::class(ExampleJob::class)->get();, (*10)
// get jobs with specified number of attempts Job::attemptsCount(3)->get();, (*11)
// get jobs which has result Job::withResult()->get();, (*12)
// get jobs which have no result Job::withoutResult()->get();, (*13)
// get jobs with specified type Job::type('custom_type')->get();, (*14)
// get jobs without type Job::withoutType()->get();, (*15)
You can get statistics about one job by using getUuid() method on job instance before dispatching job: ``` php ... use Crazybooot\QueueStats\Models\Job; use App\Job\ExampleJob; ... $job = new ExampleJob(); $uuid = $job->getUuid(); ... dispath($job); ... $jobStats = Job::where('uuid', $uuid)->first(); // returns total job atempts waiting on queue duration in seconds $waitingDuration = $jobStats->getAttribute('waiting_duration'); // returns total job atempts handling duration in seconds $handlingDuration = $jobStats->getAttribute('handling_duration); // return job attempts count $attemptsCount = $jobStats->getAttribute('attempts_count');
You can add some job results to statistics passing array of data you want to save $this->saveResult(). Result will be stored in database in json format what allows to query more complex data with Eloquent or Query Builder. ``` php use Crazybooot\QueueStats\Traits\QueueStatsTrait;, (*16)
class ExampleJob implementes ShouldQueue { use QueueStatsTrait;, (*17)
... public function handle() { ... $this->saveResult([ 'some_key' => [ 'some_key' => 'some_payload' ] ]); }
} ```, (*18)
Laravel 5.5 package to collect queue statistics