9999999-devSlim framework as Wordpress plugin
The Requires
by Constantin
Slim framework as Wordpress plugin
I built this plugin from a need of using a micro framework as Slim but inside Wordpress., (*1)
Copy wp-slim-framework folder with all it's content's into /wp-content/plugins directory.
From Wordpress administrator enable the plugin and you are ready to go. But keep in mind that after enabling this plugin
Wordpress must use permalinks Settings -> Permalinks
use any structure except default one and Save changes
., (*2)
To use it all you have to do is to map your routes.
This plugin will register your routes when action slim_mapping
is triggered.
This action has one argument which is the Slim object., (*3)
Example of usage:, (*4)
add_action('slim_mapping',function($slim){ $slim->get('/slim/api/user/:u',function($user){ printf("User is %s",$user); }); });
Example of usage inside of a class:, (*5)
class Rest{ function __construct(){ add_action('slim_mapping',array(&$this,'slim_mapping'); } function slim_mapping($slim){ //if needed the class context $context = $this; $slim->get('/slim/api/user/:u',function($user)use($context){ $context->printUser($user); }); $slim->put('/slim/api/user/:id',function($id)use($context){ $context->updateUser($id); }); //.... and so on } function printUser($user){ printf("User is %s",$user); } }
The default base path of the url is /slim/api
. Added the possibility to change the base path, it can be found
in Settings -> Slim Framework
Note: All routes must have the default base path /slim/api
or the one used here Settings -> Slim Framework
This is added to avoid misunderstandings with Wordpress permalinks., (*6)
Slim framework as Wordpress plugin